
Share “exclusive” experiences: a clear understanding of the visual UI in UX

If you see two seasoned designers talking to each other, usually, the topic of the conversation will always be around the ” intuitive user interface .” Today, with most design projects, the first standard is always how to be intuitive. In fact, visualization has become the most common adjective in the user interface.

With this situation, the question here is: How is the intuitive UI like UI. While any designer is constantly humming this word, sometimes they themselves are not able to define it specifically and accurately .

In the article, I will try my best, within my own experience, to open up the unknown side of the intuitive interface.

Visual UI concept?

The interface is called intuitive when users understand the behavior and effects of the interface without explanation, testing, special help or training.

For example, if a certain element looks like a button, we will know that if we click on it, (string) certain action will execute. Similarly, if it is a link, we will know immediately if clicking on it, another web page will open or take us to another site.

However, if we encounter a difficult-to-navigate UI, with strange triggers, this UI may not be intuitive.

Imagine, you intend to buy an expensive car. You go to the showroom, the salesman leads you to see the car, and you step forward to enter and admire the beauty of the car. But when you try to open the door, the handle doesn’t see. And instead of admiring the beauty of the car, we have to sit and think about how to get inside the car.

Non-intuitive design is similar, users are redirected to unfamiliar situations, without a clear solution . In web design, visual design is when users can complete uninterrupted operation. On the other hand, the non-intuitive design turns the user’s attention to the elements unrelated to the work they are doing .

Thus, we have learned about the concept of visualization. Next, take a look at the aspects when creating intuitive and familiar UI .

Create intuitive and familiar UI

People often associate virtual objects with objects in the real world. With the web interface, users always look for motifs to know what elements work.

And here, the tendency to find people’s motifs , is the opportunity that the UX designer can take advantage of.

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1. Don’t “recycle” Patterns

Usually, one should not change common patterns . For example, Windows users will see “weird” when switching to OS X (or vice versa), because the Minimize button, Maximize and Close are located on the left side of the window.

We’re already familiar with some patterns , so don’t pull the user out as “white mouse” for these patterns

2. Consistent

For a visual design, consistency is indispensable . When designing a website, we need consistency between pages .

Users always expect the website to contain elements with certain tasks, and if those elements change between pages, users are not only affected, but also become discouraged .

Switch between this page navigation bar and the sidebar with other page navigation links, as a good example, users will leave because of your confusion and interruption.

3. Remove small steps

No one wants to spend an hour just to create an account. Therefore, you need to encapsulate the whole process and include small steps together . Simplifying and reducing redundant steps is the key to retaining users.

4. Using Tooltips & Integrated Help Messages

This is one of the most essential aspects that an intuitive UI must have. Confessing, the “universal” UI is almost impossible . UI can be intuitive with this group of people, but other groups disagree.

In order to “appease” the group without agreeing, you can add tooltips or integrate help messages to explain some of the elements of the website to users.

5. Make sure the website loads as quickly as possible

According to sales tradition, we find that: if we give our customers time to think, often they won’t buy goods. We see the design website is similar. If page load “is too long” , it is likely that users will not wait but only switch to another website.

For this reason, with heavy web pages, you should always display part of the content first (or at least loading bar) to retain the user.

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After all, websites that are too difficult to use or distract too much will never be intuitive. Instead of spending too much time on “normal” design issues such as choosing the right color scheme , or perfect content structure, take the time for “visualization .

User experience is often confused with graphic attraction; in fact, graphic attraction only accounts for a part. The way users receive products is another important factor in UX. If you can not give a straightforward intuitive UI, worked as expected, users obviously will switch to other products of competitors.

ITZone via hongkiat

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