
Service Containers in Laravel

1. Inversion of Control

In the previous article, I mentioned the SOLID principle and the last principle in SOLID is Dependency Inversion:

If Dependency Inversion is not applied, high-level modules depend on low-level modules. When low-level modules change, high-level modules have to change too, which can lead to such mass changes that make maintenance difficult.

Inversion of Control is a design pattern created so that the code adheres to the Dependency Inversion principle. There are several models used to implement Inversion of Control implementation, including: Service Locator, Event, Dependency Injection.

2. Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection is a way to implement the Inversion of Control Pattern. Low-level modules will be injected into high-level modules.

There are three types of Dependency Injection:

Constructer Injection: The dependencies will be passed into a class by the container through the constructor of that class.

Setter Injection: Dependencies will be passed into a class through Setter functions.

Interface Injection: The class to inject will implement an interface. This interface contains a function named Inject. Container will inject dependency into a class through calling the Inject function of that interface.

Advantages of DI

Disadvantages of DI

3. Service Container

Starting in the laravel version, there is a service container that replaces the inversion of control container. Service containers are used to manage dependencies and perform dependency injection.


Almost all of our Service Container bindings will be registered in the Service Provider. Inside a Service Provider we always have access to the Container through $this->app.

Simple Binding

Binding A Singleton

The instance will only be resolved once, subsequent calls will not create a new instance, but only return the previously resolved instance.

Instance Binding

We have an existing instance and we bind it to the Service Container. Each time we take it out we will get back that exact instance.


You can use the make method to get an instance out of the container. The make method receives the class name or interface name you want to resolve.

If you can’t use variable $app then you can use the helper function resolve to get the instance.

Through the above process, we can summarize that Service Container is the place to register and manage dependencies.

4. Conclusion

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