
Secure user email with lockbox

As you may know, email addresses are a fairly common personal information and they are usually stored without encryption. If the haccker gains access to the database, then the email data will be compromised.

In this post, I will guide you an approach to be able to protect user email data. It is compatible with devise, a popular user authentication gem for Rails framework.


To do the security of user email, we will do two things: encryption and blind indexing. Encryption will help us store data securely, and blind indexing will help us perform that encrypted data search.

Blind indexing works by calculating a hash of data. You may be familiar with data hashes such as MD5 and SHA1, which are one-way data encryption. Here we will use two-way data encryption, we will use the hash function to create a secret key and use key stretching to prevent brute force attacks. You can read more about blind indexing here .

I will use gem lockbox to conduct encryption and gem blind index to perform blind indexing.


Let’s assume you have a User model with an email field.

First, add these 2 gems to the Gemfile file.

And run bundle to install:

Proceed to initializing a key:

Store your key somewhere securely, usually to a Rails credential or to an environment variable ( dotenv is a pretty good gem for environment variables). And make sure you use different keys for different development environments.

Set the following environment variable to the value that your key was born above.

Or you can create a config / initializers / lockbox.rb file with the content of

Next, replace your email field with an encrypted version. Initialize a migration file as shown below

And add database changes to the file migration as follows:

Proceed to migrate database:

Then add the following 2 lines to the User Model

Then create a user and check it out

Existing Users

In case your system already exists data user before. We need to fill out the data before proceeding to delete the email field from the table. Think of encrypting old data first, then save it before deleting the email field.

Then proceed to re-fill the data in the Rails console

Then update the model to the desired state again.

Finally, proceed to drop the email column.


One more thing is that the email address will not be displayed during system operation. To do that, add the following to config / initializers / filterparameterlogging.rb :

Alternatively, we can use the logstop gem to filter anything in like an email address. Add gem to Gemfile

And create a file config / initializers / logstop.rb with the content:


OK, now we know how to encrypt email and conduct data queries as needed. Alternatively you can apply this method to other data fields. However, this encoding will have a trade-off in performance, so consider it before executing it.

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