
Search Data using the representation character (Wildcard)

In Testing, proficient use of SQL queries will help you speed up testing in some functions to query and search data. The wildcard characters that aid in finding commonly used data are:

%: The percent sign indicates zero, one or more characters.

_: The underscore represents a single character.

[charlist]: Determine the set and character range to match.

[! charlist]: Specifies a set and range of characters that do NOT match.

  • These wildcards are used in conjunction with the LIKE operator.
  • The characters “%” and “_” are used in both MySQL and SQL Server.
  • The characters “[charlist]” or “[! Charlist]” are only used in SQL Server.

I. The character “%”

1. Syntax and Description

Syntax The LIKE operator Description
first WHERE column_name LIKE ‘a%’ Find the value starting with “a”
2 WHERE column_name LIKE ‘% a’ Find the value ending with “a”
3 WHERE column_name LIKE ‘% a%’ Find the value with “a” in any position
4 WHERE column_name LIKE ‘a% o’ Find the value starting with “a” and ending with “o”

2. Application examples

Database Table

Syntax 1: Find all QA with qa_full_name starting with “T”:

Syntax 2: Find all QAs with qa_full_name ending in “Trinh”:

Syntax 3: Find all QAs with qa_full_name containing “Thi” in any position:

Syntax 4: Find all QAs that have qa_full_name starting with “Nguyen” and ending with “h”:

II. Characters “_”

1. Syntax and Description

Syntax The LIKE operator Description
first WHERE column_name LIKE ‘_a%’ Find any value with “a” in position 2
2 WHERE column_name LIKE ‘a% _%’ Look for values ​​that start with “a” and have at least 3 characters
3 WHERE column_name LIKE ‘_a% o’ Find the value “a” in the 2nd position and end with “o”

2. Application examples

Syntax 1: Find all QA with qa_short_name containing “u” in the 2nd position:

Syntax 2: Find all QAs that have qa_short_name starting with “T” and have at least 3 characters:

Syntax 3: Find all QAs that have qa_short_name with “u” in the 2nd position and end with “g”:

II. The character “[charlist]”

Syntax: Find all QAs with qa_short_name starting with “T”, “L”

SELECT * FROM thuong.qa_member WHERE qa_short_name LIKE '[TL]%';

The result will be:

II. “[! Charlist]”

Syntax: Find all QAs that have qa_short_name DO NOT begin with “T”, “L”

SELECT * FROM thuong.qa_member WHERE qa_short_name LIKE '[!TL]%';


SELECT * FROM thuong.qa_member WHERE qa_short_name NOT LIKE '[TL]%';

The result will be:

Refer: / Ky-Tu-Dai-Dien-Wildcard-in-SQL

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