
Samsung TV boxes can be reused as cat litter

Samsung recently said it would change the packaging of some TVs such as The Serif, The Frame and The Sero in order to protect the environment and bring users new values.

For a normal TV, after installing the TV, users tend to throw away its box. This is understandable, because the TV box takes a lot of space and is not worth using. However, this practice is wasteful and directly affects the environment.

Samsung has changed this on three TV series The Serif, The Frame and The Sero. Specifically, the boxes of these TVs can be reused for other purposes, such as making newspaper racks, storage racks or even … pet pockets.

Samsung said the boxes of these TVs are specially designed so that users can easily cut it and assemble it into a complete item. On the box of the TV will be a QR code that the user can scan it with the phone and will be directed to the full cutting instructions.

This is an extremely innovative and practical idea of ​​Samsung in environmental protection. Earlier at CES 2020, Samsung won an innovative award for the idea of ​​packaging environmentally friendly products.

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