
”Salt Challenge” – An extremely dangerous trend is being challenged by the world’s online community

If you follow the social network TikTok for several days, you will see a new trend that is being sought by the online community. It was a challenge called “The Salt Challenge”.

This challenge starts from a guy named Landon. When he uploaded a video on TikTok, Landon poured a whole jar of salt into his mouth. Lots of salt, and the guy immediately spit it out because his throat couldn’t stand it. Landon then challenged those who were watching the video to be able to do the same.

The video quickly spread on TikTok and the #SaltChallenge trend began to appear. Many members on TikTok imitated this challenge, and also poured a jar of salt into their mouths. However most can not stand for more than a few seconds.

It may seem like a brave challenge, but many people are unaware that it is extremely dangerous. It can even be life threatening to swallow such a large amount of salt in such a short time.

Dr Simran Deo told the Mirror: “Eating too much salt can lead to poisoning. It increases the concentration of sodium in the body, causing intense thirst, nausea and convulsions. If more serious, can cause coma and even death, because too high sodium levels will cause the brain to swell “.

Not only that, eating too much salt will also have a long-lasting impact on our health. It can cause many illnesses like blood pressure, kidney stones, heart attack and can lead to stroke.

Therefore, if you find your friends are also challenging themselves with The Salt Challenge, stop them immediately.

Reference: Mirror

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