Refactoring Design Pattern with new features in Java 8

Tram Ho

In this article, I will show you how to use some new features in Java 8 such as Lambda , Function , Supplier , etc. to refactor the code of some Design Pattern .

Refactoring Strategy Design Pattern

What is strategy pattern?

You review the article ” Tutorial Java Design Pattern – Strategy “.

For example Strategy Pattern

Strategy Pattern does not use Lambda

Strategy Pattern uses Lambda

Refactoring Observer Design Pattern

What is the Observer Pattern?

Have you reviewed the article ” Tutorial Java Design Pattern – Observer “.

Example Observer Pattern

Observer Pattern does not use Lambda

Observer Pattern uses Lambda

Running the above 2 programs, we get the same results:

Refactoring Chain of Responsibility Pattern

What is the Chain of Responsibility Pattern?

Have you reviewed the article ” Tutorial Java Design Pattern – Chain of Responsibility “.

Example of Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Chain of Responsibility Pattern does not use Lambda

Chain of Responsibility Pattern uses Lambda and Function

Note: UnaryOperator is a Function, has the same input and output data types. UnaryOperator <String> is equivalent to writing Function <String, String>.

Running the above 2 programs, we have the same result:

Refactoring Factory Method Design Pattern

What is the Factory Method Pattern?

Have you reviewed the article ” Tutorial Java Design Pattern – Factory Method “.

Example Factory Pattern

Factory Method Pattern does not use Java 8

Factory Method Pattern uses Supplier and Method Reference

Java 8 brings us a lot of utilities, you should try refactor your code to Java 8 to make the code cleaner.

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