
React.js: 14 tools & resources for web developers (Part 1)

Official React.js docs from Facebook

Facebook provides developers with a detailed documentation on the main concepts of React. Besides the docs, you can also find here a great tutorial on how to build an interactive tic-tac-toe game with React, and a discussion forum for React developers. As the docs are open-source, you can even edit them if you want.

React.js Github repo

In the React Github repo, you can check out React’s source code whenever you need it. If you want to stay informed with the current state of development, you can also have a look at the issues, the milestones, and the latest pull requests. If you got stuck, it can also be a good idea to study the Trouble Shooting Guide a bit.

Hello World starter code

If you want to give a quick try to React, you can start with this “Hello World” interactive demo on Codepen. It includes all the necessary assets and the starter code as well. As Babel is also on, you can use both ECMAScript 6 and the JSX syntax. Just fork this pen, and you can go ahead without having the set up the whole environment on your own.

React Starter Kit

The React Starter Kit is an isomorphic web app boilerplate built of Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React, and a handful web development tools, such as Webpack, Babel, and Browsersync. It provides you with the same frontend stack Facebook uses and allows you to jump into full-stack React development without too much hassle.


ReactCSS makes it possible to add inline CSS styles in JavaScript. ReactCSS comes with support for React, Redux, React Native (a framework for building native mobile apps using React), autoprefixing, hover, pseudo-elements, and media queries. You can quickly install it with npm.

React JSFiddle integration (with and without JSX)

This is a great online playground if you want a place where you can start practicing React. It’s hosted on JSFiddle, and has two versions: one with JSX and one without JSX, choose whichever one you’re more comfortable with.

React style guide generator

You can quickly generate a style guide for your React project with this easy-to-use React style guide generator. You only have to add a little documentation to your files, and the generator takes care of the rest. The tool comes with a detailed readme file.

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