
Quick learn about nginx – Part 1

nginx is a very familiar tool for the server (backend) in general, it is very necessary to understand the basic concepts of it. In this article, I will share with you my personal notes on the process of learning about nginx.

The two main sources I refer to and learn from here are:

What is nginx?

nginx is the server that provides content for the website, not only that, nginx can also be used as a reverse proxy , HTTP cache as shown below.

Not only that, in case the system has many servers, nginx also acts as a load balancer to help coordinate incoming requests to the respective servers.

As the illustration above you can see nginx can act as a Reverse proxy

In case the system needs encryption, instead of having to encrypt and decrypt at each server, you will set up encryption and decryption at nginx server.

You can refer to the nginx installation at the link

Configuration Terms

There are two basic config concepts in nginx:

  • Context
  • Directive

Since context is equivalent to scope, like the code above contexts can be nested.

There are 3 contexts of nginx to pay attention to:

  • http
  • server
  • location

The configs will usually be placed in the nginx config file with the name nginx.conf , by default, the system’s nginx service will use the /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf file (this is the path on the system). mine with macOS operating system, you with Linux or Windows operating systems will have a difference).

However you can still use your own nginx config file by using the command below

Reload nginx

The basic difference between nginx restart and nginx reload is that:

  • nginx reload will kill the old process of nginx, based on the config file to restart a new process (note here nginx service is NOT OFF ), in case there is a problem with the config file, the whole process will be killed stop
  • nginx restart will turn the nginx OFF and ON again the new nginx service. However, if there is a problem with the config file, the nginx service will be STOPED

Serve static content

With static content like HTML or CSS, you need to add the definition of types as follows:

These types can be referenced in the file mime.types on your system (for me it’s the file /usr/local/etc/nginx/mime.types )

For example with css , if we don’t have the text/css css; then when loading the .css file, the browser will understand it as a text/plain file as shown below, now the styles inside the css file will not be applied to your HTML page.

If there is a directive text/css css; then the browser will interpret it as a text/css file, then the styles will be applied to your HTML page.

nginx location block

There are 3 ways to configure the URI:

  • Regex match
  • Prefix match
  • Exact match

With Regex match you can do like the following example:

~ symbol shows that you will use regex here, but by default this is case sensitive , and if you add * symbol, it will be case insensitive like the following example:

With Prefix match if you set URI = test then other URIs eg:

  • /testing
  • /tested

will also match.

As for Exact match , you add the = sign in front of the URI as follows:


At this time, config only matches URI = “/test”, the URIs like “/testing”, “/tested”, … will not be matched.

In terms of priority, Regex match has higher precedence than Prefix match . However, if you use ^~Preferential match , the Prefix match will now have a higher priority than the Regex match

With response you have 3 ways to write as follows:

Method 1 (using return):

In the above writing, in case you set HTTP_STATUS_CODE = 200

You will get the following response:

what about with setting HTTP_STATUS_CODE = 404

You will get the following response:

Method 2 (using root):

With writing using root , the URI will be automatically appended to the path then you will have path/URI


When the client accesses the /test URI, the request will be redirected to the directory /var/www/home + /test = /var/www/home/test

This way of writing will “tell” nginx to look for the index.html file (default). However, what if there is no index.html file in /var/www/home/test folder?

Now use try_files as follows:

Writing the above means that when the request comes to /vegetables , look for the /vegetables/veggies.html file in the path_to_mysite/vegetables folder, if you don’t see it, then look for the index.html file in path_to_mysite/ , and if that’s the case , you can’t see the index.html . index.html will return 404 NOT FOUND error

Method 3 (using alias):

This way of writing uses the alias keyword, alias DOES NOT APPEND the URI to the path for you as root instead you have to specify the path explicitly. For example:

With the above configuration, when accessing 2 URIs, /fruits and /carbs , the request will be moved to the path_to_mysite/fruits folder

Redirect & Rewrite


Here 307 is the HTTP Code of the redirect request


In case you do not want to be redirected to another page, keep the same URL but only the content is different, rewrite is a solution.


In the above example you see (w+) surrounded by a pair of parentheses () , which makes it possible to use its value at $1 . For example if the URI is /number/100 then the value of $1 will be 100

Note that rewrite has higher priority than location


In nginx there are 2 main types of variables:

  • Configuration variables (these are variables that you will define yourself): set $var 'something';
  • NGINX Module variables (these are available variables, defined by nginx module): $http , $uri , $args – query string params

In the above example, we check nginx’s predefined variable $date_local – the current date to see if it is Thursday (Thursday) or not? If true, assign the $isthursday variable the value Yes (this variable is initially set to the default value of No )

In nginx, you proceed to “embed” the value of a variable into a string by adding a $ character in front of the variable name as in the above example with the isthursday variable.


nginx has an access log and an error log that stores the log of incoming connection requests and the error log, respectively

Run the above command and you can see the path to the default nginx access.log and error.log files on the system.

By setting as above, you can specify the file containing the access log separately from the default nginx access.log file.

Reverse proxy

The concept of Reverse proxy you can refer to

Simply put, the Reverse proxy will be placed in front of the server, the client instead of interacting directly with the server, it will interact with the reverse proxy . Every request from the client or the response from the server must go through a reverse proxy

You can set up a simple reverse proxy like this:

This setting means that when sending a request to /express , the request will be forwarded to the address http://localhost:7777/

In the path of proxy_pass , if we leave / behind localhost:7777 , nginx will automatically redirect to localhost:7777/express

With headers, we have 2 basic directives as follows add_header , proxy_set_header

add_header will add the header of the response returned from the proxy

proxy_set_header will add to the header of the request sent to the server from the proxy, so we cannot see this header in the browser. The reason is because in the browser you are only INTERACTING DIRECTLY WITH PROXY , not with the server.

The figure below depicts the “place” of adding the add_header and proxy_set_header

If you want to see it, you can directly log the header in the server to your console as follows:

Above I use expressJS to make the illustration server, you can use any server framework you like.

And this is the result when logging to the console

Reference code


The above are some of my notes during my self-study about nginx. Thank you for patiently reading all, see you in part 2 (to be continued).

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