
Programming and Object Oriented Programming

1. What is programming?

Programming is the design of programs, error correction, maintenance or system upgrade on a computer. Use algorithms and metrics to command work on a computer.

2. What is an audience?

Objects are subjects, objects and phenomena are mentioned separately. For example:

  • The characteristics of a person are name, hometown, fingerprints … Each person is a separate subject
  • Confectionery features such as soft-hard, sweet-salty, long-short … All say the subject is food.

2. What is object oriented programming?

Object-oriented programming is programming that supports OOP technology to increase productivity, speed up workflow, and allow programmers to directly impact objects as in reality. Thereby, it is possible to correct errors for the software subjects, actively maintain, maintain or embellish.

The advantage of OOP programming is that the software is later born, so it is inherited to fix errors for almost all programs. Some of the preeminent features are large scalability, inheritance advantages, easy to manage code when adding new features, simple, easy to learn and easy to maintain. When you are determined to learn to code , it is almost imperative to approach the object oriented programming mindset at this point.

3. Properties of object oriented programming

Encapsulation and information hiding

Encapsulation can be simply understood as data and program code are grouped into a package called classes for easy management. This package is difficult to manage, inconvenient so it is often hidden and only outlines the title. Or as fun as the seeds are gathered under one shell!

Inheritance and polymorphism

As mentioned before, OOP is the post-created software, so it has directly inherited from its predecessor, is very simple and convenient for managing and regulating operations. directly or indirectly on objects. So this is one of the preeminent properties of object oriented programming.


This is the ability of a program to optimize the amount of information. You need to understand the information and then summarize it in one aspect. Focus on the core of your audience. Objects will have their own characteristics and information.

Where does object-oriented programming come from?

Stemming from disadvantages in manipulation:

  • Failure to manage a program leads to aggregation, many of the same programs cause compression and accumulation. Endangers the entire system.
  • Failure to save system resources also results in waste and wear. Creates cumbersome changes from data.
  • The data has no encryption key, so there is no security

Here I have outlined all the essential elements of object oriented programming. Good luck.

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