
PI Network – Will be the next generation “BITCOIN” in the future

The future of digital cryptocurrencies.

Mining cryptocurrencies on your phone always drains the battery and doesn’t save money. However, that has changed since the launch of PI Network. A free mining software directly on your mobile phone!

It was created by a group of STANDFORD University PhDs in America. This revolutionary new cryptocurrency is set with the mission of becoming one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world. And of course, it can also make you Rich !!

PI Network mines cryptocurrencies from your phone without using the energy of PIN or DATA. You only need an Internet connection to exploit.

Users are encouraged to refer their friends and family to the program to make more money over time. The program most recently achieved a record number of 12 million pioneering users (PIONEERS) registered.

What is the value of PI?

The PI cryptocurrency currently has no value as it is in the development phase of PHASE 2 and hasn’t launched on BLOCKCHAIN ​​yet, but some BACK-END markets already support users to exchange this currency for 1 COIN up Up to 10 $ (~ 23,000 VND)

Some experts and experienced users also claim that when this coin launches on exchanges (Expected by the end of 2021), it can reach a value of 200 ETHEREUM (ETH). $ (~ 2 million 300 thousand VND) or more !!!

This means that if you have mined more than 1000 COIN on the PI Network, you will have in your account an asset worth up to $ 200,000 (~ 4,603,000,000.00 VND). Amazing !!!!

To tell you clearly how easy it is to earn a PI. Up to now I have only about 10 friends joining the role of PIONEERS (Pioneering User) and have a balance in the account of nearly 3000 COIN in less than a year. And not all of my friends can mine with this money, there are some with more than this.

Even the PI Network only reaches 25 $ / 1 COIN. It still gives me a profit of up to $ 75,000 (~ 1,726,125,000.00 VND)!

How do I join this amazing program?

The best way to join PI Network is to download the app and install it on your phone.

On Android you can CLICK HERE , iOS CLICK HERE to download apps and remember. PI Network will not ask you for any information regarding your account or password. The app can be linked to Facebook, so if you lose your phone, the money in your account is preserved.

During the registration process to participate in the PI Network, you will need an invitation code to fill out. You can then use my code quepham1990 to complete the registration and start participating in making money. 1 PI will automatically be credited to your account at the start. And remember, the more people you invite, the more PIs you will earn.

When will the free mining on the PI Network end?

Just like any other new cryptocurrency. PI is still available for free mining, there is only a limited time to join the program, and mining may end for new members once the number of pioneering users reaches 100 million. use.

Existing users can of course still mine. However, this rate will be reduced, maybe only half when you join.

Can developers participate?

The PI Application has an excellent developer PLATFORM that includes the PI SDK, which allows developers to build applications that integrate with the PI currency and the PI Platform.

Some of the other free features are the PI Apps Developer Sandbox tool that enables developers to DEVELOPERS – TEST and VISUALIZE their apps on the PI Apps Platform using the PI SDK.

KEY POINTs of PI Network

Remember that PI Network JOINED FOR FREE and you will make a profit even if you only mine 10 COINS!

Main features include:

  • Works on mobile phone and doesn’t drain your Battery
  • Cryptocurrencies are safe, secure, and cannot be tampered with or tampered with
  • PI applications are available on both GOOGLE PLAY and APP STORE
  • PI NODE has access to PI application from your PC
  • Large scale security is easy to use and no electricity wasted

If you want to join, remember that you need an invite code, please use my invitation code if necessary: quepham1990 , and then use your code to invite others to play !!!

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Source: Pi Network – Will be The Next Bitcoin of the Future

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