
Passed the MBA exam, passed the law exam, but ChatGPT couldn’t pass the primary school graduation exam in this country

ChatGPT is known as the smartest artificial intelligence (AI) in the world, able to chat and fluently answer all questions asked by users, regardless of field. But most recently, ChatGPT failed to solve the questions in Singapore’s 6th grade exam.

The Straits Times has conducted a test asking ChatGPT to answer questions in PSLE ​​exam, Singapore’s primary school exit exam.

PSLE is an exam that all 12-year-olds in Singapore must take and determines which secondary school the student will attend. ChatGPT received questions from PSLE’s 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam papers on 3 subjects: Mathematics, science and English.

As a result, this super chatbot scored an average of 16 out of 100 points for the 3 problems it did. According to The Straits Times, during the test, ChatGPT was unable to understand or answer any questions related to diagrams or graphs and was given a score of 0 for these questions.

Moreover, ChatGPT also makes mistakes with simple math questions. When asked what is the sum of 60,000, 5,000, 400 and 3, ChatGPT gave an answer of 65,503, while the correct answer was 65,403.

For science questions, ChatGPT scored slightly higher with an average score of 21 out of 100.

ChatGPT passed the English tests and scored an average of 11 out of 20 in three tests. However, ChatGPT still has problems with questions containing words with multiple meanings.

The fact that the chatbot could not pass the Singapore 6th grade exam is surprising because before that ChatGPT even passed another exam at a higher level.

Specifically, before that, a professor at the Wharton School of Business at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania, which is also the number 1 business school in the US, tried to evaluate how ChatGPT performed in the final exam of Operations Management. motion. It is known that these four subjects are considered the core of the MBA program at Wharton.

Accordingly, ChatGPT “performed excellently at basic operations and process analysis questions, including those based on case studies.”

However, the Wharton professor noted that ChatGPT still has shortcomings, including being able to handle “more advanced process analysis questions”. But ChatGPT, in the professor’s words, “will get a B to B- on the MBA exam.”

In other areas, ChatGPT has also done a good job of preparing legal documents and some believe the next generation of this technology could even pass the bar exam.

Universities are currently in the process of improving and upgrading exams because of concerns that students will use AI bots to cheat in exams. The New York Times reported that educational institutions are planning to limit typing tests, instead taking more oral tests and working in groups.

Currently, representatives of OpenAI and Singapore’s Ministry of Education are not available for comment.

Source: Business Insider

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