
One more reason why you might not want to choose an Android phone

Perhaps users are familiar with the security issues of the Android operating system such as applications that steal credentials easily or have no control over the content of managers on the Google Play Store. However, a recent report may prevent you from buying Android devices, as some devices may hide “indelible” apps and files.

Specifically, a report from cybersecurity firm Kaspersky said it was getting more and more complaints from Android device users about intrusive ads on their smartphones from unknown sources.

And in some cases, these adware have placed themselves in the system partition, making trying to remove it could lead to hardware errors. Additionally, ads can be embedded in system libraries and applications, to a level that cannot be deleted at the programming level.

There are two possible explanations given by security researchers. One, malware has root access on the device and installs adware in the system partition. Two, the code to display the ad (or its downloader) was inserted into the device’s firmware even before it reached the consumer.

The report also points to two typical malware names, Lezok and Triada Trojans, which are the most common types installed in smartphone system partitions. Some other types are found in the device’s graphical interface driver or in the Settings utility.

The Kaspersky report says the problem is that some mobile vendors want to maximize profits through all sorts of advertising tools, even if those tools are inconvenient for owners. own the equipment.

And if ad systems are willing to pay for views, clicks, and settings regardless of their origin, embedding ad modules into devices to increase profit from each device. being sold will continue. And unfortunately, if a user buys a device with such adware installed, they usually won’t be able to remove it without risking damaging the system.

Earlier this year, nearly 600 apps were banned by the Play Store from Google for violating the company’s advertising policies. However, these applications were installed more than 4.5 billion times before Google took action.

Refer to BGR

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