
Not only Facebook, Instagram are also destroying our lives in a very shocked way

Any social network has a positive meaning when it develops based on human experience and the need to share it. However, it is not difficult to recognize that the following million Instagram accounts exist mainly for taking selfies, vacations, the food they eat and motivating others to act exactly the same.

Instagram makes us more superficial

When social networks like Twitter, or even Facebook cleverly make people care about each other, allowing people to connect with each other. Instagram only focuses on an individual from appearance, lifestyle to vacations of that individual. The interface and the way Instagram approaches does not help people in need of more dialogue with each other.

Instagram promotes a virtual lifestyle

Most of the problems related to virtuality, especially in appearance, between online and in real life most occur on Instagram. And the scary thing is that most users believe these things and feel that living virtual makes them more comfortable than real-life images.

Instagram has a negative impact on psychology

The actual images are always displayed on Instagram but make us understand, or pretend to understand that they are real people, that life on Instagram reflects exactly what happens in our daily lives. . This also creates a sense of jealousy and desire to follow the trend for friends. Therefore, this social network can be considered extremely harmful to human psychology, especially among teenagers.

Instagram sets the wrong standards

For both genders, the overwhelming standards of appearance and lifestyle on Instagram are even more toxic than the impact of media and advertising.

Scientists have also made measurements of the human body's reaction when using Instagram, the dopamine secreted when people are happily increased in the body from the likes and potential likes. Using Instagram more and more, makes us think that we are happy thanks to the constantly updated photos, but in fact not.

Instagram makes people lose awareness of themselves

Taking pictures of yourself all day makes you the center of your own attention and leads to ignoring others and the reality of your surroundings. Whether your life is good or not, it doesn't matter where you are going, what you are eating or an interesting experience you've just experienced, it's just normal activities, not more. The trend of updating everything to Instagram makes people focus more on the surface and the background, and then forget what we really should do in real life.

Instagram stimulates people to take negative actions

There is no shortage of stories about young people visiting flower fields, landscapes and then stepping on, sitting on them just because they want a nice picture to post on social networks and mostly on Instagram. If you ask why visitors do this, the answer is probably shocking.

Some said they only wanted to like, but others pretended that they were interested in the grassy flowers and always bragged about "Feeling of being one with Nature". So they want to let others know that they also love nature and its beauty while they are the ones who destroy the natural habitat like those flowers.

This shows that they do not seem to care about anything except the perfect angle. We may not be such an emotionless creature by nature, but it is Instagram that urges people to do these things with their potentially addictive background and likes from their work.

So, if you have time, check for yourself how much time you spend on Instagram and what you get back from them than a fleeting sense of joy and a sense of deprivation of hunger and thirst. The mind is getting bigger and bigger. Let's review the things that make you feel more meaningful and bring real joy in real life.

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