
New Vue Features 3

Vue-next (Vue 3) has been out for a while. It is currently in the release phase, which means there will be no major changes in the API. It’s good to see that Vue has settled down and is ready to participate in our projects.

I have to say that Vue 2 itself is amazing. But with its new features, Vue 3 is capable of taking our projects to new heights. I guess the most attractive feature in Vue 3 will be the component APIs. Evan You herself mentioned that the component APIs are inspired by Hooks in React. Although the hook and the API component are very similar, based on the code base we can see that they are completely different. We won’t discuss which is better or promising because I really think both of these frameworks are great.

Overall, it’s really happy to see Vue able to do what React does too. Let’s take a close look at the new features.

1. Vite

This is another Evan You artwork that aims to replace Webpack during Vue development (Currently only works for Vue). It is designed to work as quickly as its French name does.

Get started with Vite

The official repo gives us a simple way to create Vue 3 apps through Vite .



Start Dev Server

Everything just happened in a blink of an eye

Open http: // localhost: 3000 / and we can see the wellcome screen of Vue


I have created a small application to demo new features of Vue 3 (link above). If you look at ** package.json **, the simplicity of the dependencies of vue-next-features will make you fall in love with Vite in no time. (I mean, who wouldn’t want to start with a simpler package.json?)

There is another Vue 3 “Hello World” repo ( vue-next-webpack-preview ) included with Webpack . It is also a good playground for you to learn about new features in Vue 3.



2. Composition API

As Vue.js’ biggest change, the component API will become your next most frequently used and most popular feature. Just like React hooks, with the Vue component API will give you more customization.

Here is a list of the APIs that make up Vue 3. (There are actually more …)

  • Reactivity: computed reactive ref readonly watch watchEffect unref toRefs isRef isProxy isReactive isReadonly customRef markRaw shallowReactive shallowReadonly shallowRef toRaw
  • Lifecycle Hooks: onBeforeMount onBeforeUnmount onBeforeUpdate onMounted onupdated onErrorCapture onRenderTracked onRenderTriggered onUnmount onActivated onDeactivated

Please visit the official Vue doc page to learn more about these APIs

3. Component Style

In Vue2

Use templates to define component content. In Vue 3, this old usage is still available. If you like this style, you can keep using it.

In Vue3

To use the component API, you need to add setup to the export default. The code below is completely equivalent to the code above:

Continue with the new API

Here are four reasons why you should use the component API instead of the default Vue2 config template:

  • Increased readability of code
  • Avoid duplicate or redundant logics
  • To group similar logic segments
  • To reuse logic

Compared to Vue 2’s configuration type, logic is precisely broken down into smaller chunks so that you can group similar logic together easily. In this way, it also reduces the chance of getting confused from mismatched logic. This will increase productivity.

4. Advanced Reactivity API

Personally, I think this is no different from other reactivity APIs. But it really does offer customization capabilities like custom hooks and shallow layer modifications. It’s now part of the basic reactivity API according to the official Vue 3 documentation.

In the Vue component API documentation, the following APIs are listed as enhanced reactivity APIs.

  • customRef: custom Hook
  • markRaw: cannot be a reactive
  • NongReactive: The first class of the reactive object
  • shallowReadonly: The first class of the object readonly
  • shallowRef: The value of the object is not reactive
  • toRaw: restores reactive to normal object

Here is the official demo of customRef :

5.v-enter-from / v-leave-from

In Vue 2, the <Transition> component helps to handle the animation / transition of the brushonent. But the v-enter-active v-enter v-enter-to property is quite ambiguous to me. Sometimes I get confused which will happen first.

Now in Vue 3, those transition attribute names are more consistent and intuitive.

  • v-enter => v-enter-from
  • v-leave => v-leave-from

The order will be as follows:

  • v-enter-from (v-enter)
  • v-enter-active
  • v-enter-to
  • v-leave-from (v-leave)
  • v-leave-active
  • v-leave-to

I firmly believe that the name above will be much easier than before

6. Allow multiple Root Elements

Vue2 will throw an error when using the multi root element. All elements must be nested within a single element

Vue3 has removed this annoying bug. I think this helps a lot when you really don’t want to nest your element in a parent container. Sometimes all you need is just put this element in the right place. It works similarly to React Fragments , helping you to reduce the problems associated with “nesting”:

7. Filters are no longer accepted (Removed)

I think many people think that filters can be a great feature of Vue.js. It really works well in Vue. (Example: format data / calculation, etc.).

So let’s see how 3 explains why the filter was removed:

Although the filter seems very convenient, it requires a custom syntax that breaks the rule of assuming syntax inside curly braces is “just JavaScript”.

I believe developing without a filter will not be affected, although it may take some time to switch to Vue 3. In my projects, the appearance of a filter is a rather rare case because I can replace that functionality with a method or computed easily. Because in my method / computed , the method / computed will be easier to read and understand than a filter .

8. New Async Component: Suspense

This is probably the only new Vue 3 feature that could be changed even after its official release. Inspiration is also from React Suspense . Therefore, the usage will be the same in my opinion.

Do you remember how to render the aynchronous data before when using Vue2? I think v-if / v-else is the answer:

With the Suspense component, you will be able to do just that without having to manually adjust the conditions. By setting the default and fallback , the suspense component will adjust the async event automatically

9. Show it somewhere else: Teleport

It’s another cool one based on React Portals . It provides the ability to insert components into a Note DOM.

What we do in Vue 2 to insert a custom component in <body> (Of course there is a 3rd party Vue PortalVue plugin that provides such functionality):

To use this feature in Vue3, wrap the desired component with <Teleport> and define the destination in props to

10. Allows multiple v-models

v-model is used for two-dimensional data constraints in form elements or even custom components. In Vue 2, a custom component can only have one v-model in a tag.

Vue 3 has removed the limit and allows you to have multiple v-model so you can specify separate constraints for more input elements.

11. Global APIs

Vue3 provides us a number of APIs to help us control our components and instances better.


In Vue2, Vue can be used as a constructor to return an Object instance. In Vue3, you can use createApp instead. The use is completely the same:

What about other global methods like extend component mixin and directive ?

The answer is quite similar, but you must use the instance method:


I think nextTick is a frequently used API because a lot of logic is really asynchronous and they need to be arranged for the next DOM update cycle.

In Vue 2, nextTick is an instance method.

Vue3 allows you to use nextTick as a standalone function:

Some other helper functions

These new APIs will be extremely useful when you need to add controls for much more abstract situations. Personally, I think they can be used frequently in third-party libraries.

  • h : returns virtual note
  • createRenderer : custom render can be used for cross-environment
  • defineComponent : Enter the Object you passed
  • defineAsyncComponent : Load the async component as needed
  • to resolveComponent : resolves a component in the current instance scope
  • ResolutionDirective : Gets directive from the current instance scope
  • withDirectives : Apply directive to a VNode

The article was translated by me by author Yanze Dai. Link the original article here

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