
More generous than Apple, Google will cut Play Store commissions down to 15% for every developer

Google will cut the Play Store’s 30% commission fee, the amount the search giant earns from Play Store transactions of all Android developers, to 15%. This move is similar to Apple, in order to defuse this long-standing controversy about too high commission fees.

Google’s new policy applies to the first $ 1 million in revenue that developers earn each year. According to Google, that means 99% of Android developers get half the fee, on all Play Store in-app purchases, games or in-app purchases.

It can be seen that Google’s new policy has an important difference with Apple’s new policy. That is, Apple’s fee reduction only applies to developers with revenue below $ 1 million per year. But if that developer makes more than $ 1 million in revenue at any point in the year, they will be charged the same 30% fee.

Google’s policy applies to the first $ 1 million that developers earn each year. That means whether you’re a new student creating your debut app or a multibillion-dollar company, the first $ 1 million you make each year will only be charged 15%. . For subsequent sales over $ 1 million, the same 30% fee will still be charged.

Applying the same new policy to all developers, big or small, is a fairer approach and will help developers of all sizes, a spokesperson for Google said. .

While Google has generously changed its policy, it doesn’t seem like that is enough for Epic Games. The cult game developer Fortnite has been struggling with Apple over charging commissions on the App Store. Not long ago, Epic Games also argued that Apple’s new policy was meaningless, not really helpful for developers.

And recently, Epic Games continues to believe that Google’s new policy is not effective enough. “It doesn’t solve the root of the problem. Android needs to be fully open to fair competition, with a truly level playing field between platform companies, app creators and service providers. Competition in payment methods and distributing new apps is the path to a fair app market, ”said Epic Games.

Reference: theverge

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