
Mobile Backend-as-a-Service revolution (part 2)


3. Mobile BaaS approach

Back-end-as-a-service (BaaS) is a cloud computing service model, viewed as an intermediate layer that provides dev with many ways to connect Web and app with cloud services through API and SDK. BaaS features include cloud storage, push messages, server code, user and file management, social network integration, location services, and many other backend services. These services have their own APIs, allowing them to be integrated into applications easily.

MBaaS allows ITers and mobile dev to completely eliminate server-side infrastructure. Devs can assemble the necessary building blocks and only write code that connects them. This supports dev focusing on delivering rich user experiences, instead of addressing the boring back-end infrastructure. Although BaaS's features have many benefits, you should also consider building a user interface (UI) because this is a way to communicate directly with end users. The UI's job is to connect the app to any third party or proprietary API connected to the back-end.

MBaaS activates mobile app integration quickly with data and functions in highly secure backend cloud storage. MBaaS is often transmitted through a set of SDKs and APIs. Even before you start creating the user interface, MBaaS synchronizes your entire data, manages users, push messages, integrates with social networking services and file control.

To create a wealth of experience, you can take advantage of MBaaS to integrate specialized features such as location management, content, the ability to run business logic and collect performance analysis data of the app. . When you learn how your customers use the app, you can develop the app constantly by correcting the errors and optimizing the right actions. You can often release new versions, making the app better both in terms of content and rich content based on location services, content determination and user awareness.

4. Why should we consider selecting MBaaS?

Demand for mobile apps is increasing rapidly in both users and businesses. To meet this, app programming shops must constantly search for new ways to speed up the programming. In response, each business requires SI partners – Systems Integrator and software vendors to provide server-side mobile services for programming applications faster and easier to deploy.

Each service commonly used as push messages, data management, security, integration with cloud services and back-end has its API and must be combined separately into 1 app. This is a time consuming process. MBaaS opens a bridge between the front-end app and the back-end resources through the API and the unified SDK, saving cost and programming resources by reducing the time spent investing in developing lower factors floor and solve scaling problem.

5. Focus on design – programming the app and owning the service support infrastructure elements:

Currently, there are several suppliers of exclusive MBaaS services such as IBM mobility services on IBM Bluemix, Kony – Mobile Fabric, Kinvey, built.IO, AnyPresence … and more recent ones like Parse – okay confirmed by Facebook, the creation of Ionic with its own mobile service platform. Because of the competition among businesses in the industry to provide different customer services, the demand for suppliers is also increasing. This really spice up the race to become a trusted brand, a whole supplier for these advanced and modern service solutions.

ITZone via IDE Academy via Linked

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