
Microchip offers software that helps programmers “speed up” the design

MPLAB Harmony Enhanced Toolkit version 3.0 supports programmers to download modular software, while simplified drivers help speed up the design.

The new version adds improvements that support programmers more convenient at work

To help programmers simplify and scale up design, Microchip Technology has released MPLAB Harmony version 3.0 (v3), for the first time expanding support for SAM microcontrollers.

The new version adds enhancements such as copyright-free security software through a partnership with wolfSSL, allowing the downloading of modular software based on the needs of the application.

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MPLAB Harmony v3 provides a unified platform with flexible options, focusing on the connection between architecture, performance and application, allowing developers to research and maintain a unique environment on computer.

For example, developers now simply download device drivers or a TCP / IP protocol compartment based on their application needs, saving time and hard drive capacity.

In addition, the software also supports the feature of simplifying drivers and optimizing peripheral libraries, helping developers reduce time and effort.

MPLAB Harmony software version 3.0 is available for free download on Microchip’s website.

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