Loading more than 1 billion into the game in 3 years, female gamers were surprised when equipment worth 140 million was confiscated by NPH

Tram Ho

Recently, an unexpected story has made the gaming community in China a stir. Specifically, a female gamer of the game Three Kingdoms said she lost a valuable item in the game. This player thinks the system automatically confiscates her equipment after quitting the game.

It is worth mentioning that this female gamer is a VIP customer of this game. Over the course of three years, she has loaded into this game up to an amount of 300,000 RMB (about more than 1 billion VND). The equipment she lost in the game also amounted to 40,000 yuan (about 140 million VND).

Of course, this female gamer asked for her item back, but the game’s customer service said it could not be returned or exchanged. As usual, all items, player’s property will be deleted in case the game is closed. In this case, the gamer is forced to accept the “loss”.

Nạp hơn 1 tỷ vào game trong 3 năm, nữ game thủ ngỡ ngàng khi trang bị trị giá 140 triệu bị NPH tịch thu - Ảnh 2.


But this female player said that the Three Kingdoms game above was still released as usual, but the operation team did not have any compensation or even a satisfactory explanation for the player. The community believes that the rights and interests of players cannot be “deleted as they wish”, the operating team must respect its gamers and choose a method acceptable to customers when adjusting its business strategy .

In addition, in-game assets are considered virtual assets, protected according to the regulations of each country. Therefore, this female gamer said she will “do to the end” to reclaim her rights and property.

According to QQ

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Source : Genk