
[Learn Angular 7] Create basic components and test run the project

In the previous article [Understanding Angular 7] The first settings , I and you have learned about the basic settings to be able to run the Angular project. In this article, let’s try to write simple code together.

Running the application

Making a Component

One of the great ideas behind Angular is the idea of components . In the Angular application, we write HTML tags to represent and help the application interact with the user. But browsers only understand a limited set of built-in tags such as <select> , <form> or <video> .

What if we teach the browser a new tag ?. And what happens if we want the <weather> tag to display <weather> information? Or if we want to create a <login> tag to display the login panel, what should we do?
And this is the basic idea behind components : that is, teach the browser new tags, and customize their functionality.

If you have an AngularJS 1.X background, you can think of components as a new version of directives

Come on, let me create the first component. Once created we can use it in our HTML document, by calling the app-hello-world tag:
To create a new component using the Angular CLI, we will use the generate command.
For example, to create a hello-world component, we need to run the following command:

So how is a new Component defined? A basic component has 2 components:

  1. A Component decorator
  2. A Component defines the class

First, let’s see the component code below. Open TypeScript file hello-world.component.ts

src / app / hello-world / hello-world.component.ts

Looking at the above code seems quite clumsy right? Don’t worry so much, we’ll go look at it step by step.

Notice that the tail of the TypeScript file above is .ts rather than .js , the problem is that our browser doesn’t know how to interpret the TypeScript file. And to solve that problem, the ng serve command will automatically compile the .ts file to .js .

Importing Dependencies

Statements import will define the modules that we want to write the code. Here, we are importing 2 things: Component and OnInit .
We will import Component from the "@angular/core" module. And "@angular/core" will tell our program where to find the dependencies we want. And in this case, we are telling the compiler, "@angular/core" let’s define and export two JavaScript / TypeScript objects: Component and OnInit

And we also import OnInit from the same module as above. This we will learn later, but in short, OnInit will help us run the code when initializing the Component, but for now, do not care about it yet.
Note that the format of the import command is: import { thứ mong muốn } từ đâu đó .
In the { thứ mong muốn } we are using is called destructuring . Destructuring is a feature provided by ES6 and TypeScript. We will talk more about it in later sections.
The idea of import is quite similar with import in Java and require in Ruby: We pulled it from the dependencies another module and make it ready for use in this file.

Component Decorators

After importing the dependencies, we continue to declare Component:

src / app / hello-world / hello-world.component.ts

If you’re new to TypeScript, the syntax of this next statement may seem a bit strange:

This is called decorators .
In simple terms, decorators as metadata are added to your code. When using @Component in HelloWorld class, it is that we are treating HelloWorld as a component.
If you want to be able to use this component by using the <app-hello-world> tag, then you need to configure @Component and specify the selector as app-hello-world .

The syntax of Angular component selectors is similar to that of CSS selectors (however, Angular components also have some special syntax for selectors, we will learn in the next section). For now, let’s just understand that the selector will define a new tag.
The selector attribute specifies which DOM element this component will use. In this case, any <app-hello-world></app-hello-world> that appear in the template are compiled by the HelloWorldComponent class and receive any attached functionality.

Adding a template with templateUrl

In the component, we specify templateUrl as ./hello-world.component.html . This means we will load the template from hello-world.component.html file in the same directory as the component. Take a look at the file below:
src / app / hello-world / hello-world.component.html

Here, we have defined a tag p with a basic text. When Angular loads this component, it will read from this file and use it as a component template.

Adding a template

We can define the template in two ways, either using the template key in @Component or specifying templateUrl . Below, we will add the template key to @Component :

Here we are defining a character string of the template using a backtick ( ... ). This is a great new feature of ES6 that allows us to write a string of characters on multiple lines. It allows us to easily place the template in this file.

The question is, should I write the template directly in this code file? The answer is: it depends on the case. Until now, people still recommend that code and template should be separated. This may be easy for some teams, but for some projects, it will generate more resources because of having to switch between lots of files.

For my personal opinion, if the template is shorter than a page, I prefer to write the template and code together (that is, write in the same .ts file). When both logic and view code are written together, it is easy to understand the interaction between them.

The biggest drawback of writing between code and view is that many editors do not support displaying the code template in .ts files. Hopefully, there will be more editors that support formatting html code in the template.

Adding CSS Styles with styleUrls

Notice the styleUrls key
styleUrls: ['./hello-world.component.css'] This means, we will use the CSS in the file hello-world.component.css for this component. Angular uses a concept called “style-encapsulation”, which means that styles that are assigned to a specific component apply only to that component. . We will talk more about this in a later section.
Currently, we don’t use any component-local styles, so you can leave that file as it is.

You may have noticed that this key is different from the template , which accepts an array of arguments. This is because we can load multiple stylesheets for a single component

Loading Our Component

We have our first component, so how do we load it into our page?
When we revisit the application in the browser, we didn’t see any changes. The reason is because we have created that component, but not yet used it.
So after this, we will add the component tag to the template that has been rendered. Open file: src/app/app.component.html
Remember we have configured HelloWorldComponent with the app-hello-world selector, so we can use the <app-hello-world></app-hello-world> tag in the template. Now add the <app-hello-world> app.component.html to the app.component.html file.

After refreshing the browser, it will look like this:

Adding Data to the Component

Currently, our component is rendering a static template, so that component is not very interesting.
Imagine we have an app showing list users with their names. Before rendering the list of uers, we will render a user first. Now, create a new component to show the user’s name.
We use the command ng generate to create a new component:
ng generate component user-item
Remember, to see the component we have just created, we need to add it to the template. Add the app-user-item tag to the app.component.html file as follows:

After refreshing the page, you will see text user-item works! appears on the page.
And here, we will let UserItemComponent display the name of a specific user. Now create a new property called name . Once we have the property name , we can reuse this component to many different users. (keep the same logic and style).
We will create a local name variable into the UserItemComponent as shown below:
src / app / user-item / user-item.component.ts

Note, we have just changed 2 things:
1. name Property
In the UserItemComponent Class, we have added a new property . This is a new syntax compared to ES5 JavaScript. When we write name: string , it means that we are declaring property name type string .
By setting this variable into a string , the compiler will ensure the variable name is a string, and will throw error if we assign it a value number such. This syntax is also the way TypeScript defines instance properties. By setting name: string like this, we are providing UserItemComponent with a property name .

2. Constructor
In the UserItemComponent class we have defined a constructor , which is a function that is called when we create a new instance of the class. In the constructor we can assign values ​​to the name property by writing .
Specifically when we write:
src / app / user-item / user-item.component.ts

We are saying that whenever a new UserItemComponent is created, set the value of name to ‘Felipe’.

Rendering The Template

When we have a property in the component, we can display that value in the template by using two braces {{}}.
For example, we write the following:
src / app / user-item / user-item.component.html

Note that we have just added a new syntax, {{name}}. These brackets are called template tags (or sometimes mustache tags ).
Anything inside the template tags will be expanded as an expression. Here, the template is linked to the Component so the name variable will be expanded to the value of , for example ‘Felipe’.

Try It Out

After making the above changes, we reload the page, the page will display as Hello Felipe

Over. Invite you to refer to the next article


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