
Learn about XML in PostgresSql


XML is a very popular data type today. There are many databases that support saving XML data types ((IBM, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server). PostgresSql is also one of them. This article will dive into how to save postgresSql data type. as well as common functions in PostgresSql.

Insert XML Data

When creating a column in a table and formatting the type as xml, PostgesSql understands to use the xml type by default. PostgresSql will automatically validate the data type when inserting the correct XML type.

For example :

Create a table using columns of type XML

CREATE TABLE families (id serial PRIMARY KEY, profile xml);

Perform insert data into XML

Note: The data type in the profile column is currently XML, so it must insert correctly with the syntax of XML.


In addition, we can create an XML table and insert data as follows:

The above statement will create a table named hoteldata with the column name hotels with XML type


To perform data queries with type XML, we cannot use the normal way of querying data.

For example :

Result :

Looking at the above result, PostgresSql is returning the result in XML format and it is very difficult for us to process such result.

To perform XML queries, PostgresSql supports two basic functions: XPath and XMLTABLE

Queries are based on XPath


xpath(xpath, xml [, nsarray])

The first argument is the xpath query and the second is an XML object. The output is an array of XML elements that satisfy the XPath query.

For example :


Explain the statement

  • The first 2 xpath statements retrieve the text values ​​of the name and relation element in each member element of XML. Because XPath returns an array, we have to use sub-array [1]::text to get the value we need.
  • The next XPath statement gets the attribute name from the family root. We use @ property_name.

The query is based on XMLTable

Since PostgresSql10, we can use the XMLTable function to query XML values.


For example :


Looking at the above statement, you can see that the use of XMLTable is more concise. Explain the above example:

The first part is an XML path that identifies the row. The word PASSING indicates the column to be analyzed. This column must be of type XML. Here is the profile column The Column keyword is used to define the list of columns to be parsed. FOR ORDINALITY is used in the id field to assign an automatic serial number to each record that is returned

They can use ../ to move up one level of the standing row. In this case, we use ./ @name to get the family name.

Some common functions for handling XML in PostgresSql

PostgresSql provides many functions to handle XML in PostgresSql. Here are some common functions

xmlcomment ()

This is a function used to create comments in XML. Similar to comments in XML, ‘-‘ and ‘-‘ are added before and after the value to turn it into a valid XML comment. If the argument is null, the result is null.

Syntax: xmlcomment(text)

For example:


xmlconcat ()

A list of XML values ​​are joined together to create an XML value using this function.

Syntax: xmlconcat(xml[, ...])

For example: SELECT xmlconcat('<books/>', '<book>tutorials</book>');

Result :

xmlelement ()

This function is used to create elements for XML based on name, attribute and content

Syntax: xmlelement(name name [, xmlattributes(value [AS attname] [, ... ])] [, content, ...])

For example: SELECT xmlelement(name books, xmlattributes('SQL' as title));


Postgres functions can be used in the xmlelement () function as follows: For example: SELECT xmlelement(name calendar, xmlattributes(current_date as date), 'current', ' date');


xmlforest ()

The xmlforest function creates a sequence of XML elements using the given name and content.

Syntax: xmlforest(content [AS name] [, ...])

For example: SELECT xmlforest('book' AS newelement, 123 AS number);

Result :

xmlroot ()

The xmlroot function is used to change the root node properties of an XML value.

Syntax: xmlroot(xml, version text | no value [, standalone yes|no|no value])

For example :

Result :


Through the above article, hope everyone will know how to use XML stored in PostgresSql.


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