Laravel seeder – Passing parameters to the seeder

Tram Ho

In the process of working, I have encountered many cases of updating data for a table using seeder . So how can we add custom parameters when running seeder ?.

1. Passing parameters directly in the command at runtime

1.1 Using command->ask('key')

In the seeder file use the ask('SEED_KEY', 'default_value') method, this command will ask to enter the value when running the seeder if you leave it blank and enter the SEED_KEY value will be default_value .

// database/seeders/UpdateSomeThingSeeder.php

class UpdateSomeThingSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run ( )
        $valueName = $this -> command -> ask ( 'SEED_KEY' , 'Thanh' ) ;
        $this -> command -> alert ( "User name: { $userName } " ) ;

Test run the seeder

php artisan db:seed --class=UpdateSomeThingSeeder

This is the result when after running the seeder

$php artisan db:seed --class=UpdateSomeThingSeeder

 User name [Thanh]:
 > Cong Thanh           

*     User name: Cong Thanh     *

Database seeding completed successfully.

1.2 Using env('key')

In the seeder file use env('SEED_KEY', 'default_value') , this command will get the SEED_KEY variable value in the .env configuration file or you can also pass it directly when running the seeder

// database/seeders/UpdateSomeThingSeeder.php

class UpdateSomeThingSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run ( )
        $valueName = env ( 'SEED_KEY' , 'Thanh' ) ;
        $this -> command -> alert ( "User name: { $userName } " ) ;

Test run the seeder

SEED_KEY='Cong Thanh' php artisan db:seed --class=UpdateSomeThingSeeder

This is the result when running the seeder

$SEED_KEY='Cong Thanh' php artisan db:seed --class=UpdateSomeThingSeeder
*     User name: Cong Thanh     *

Database seeding completed successfully.

2. Passing parameters between seeders

In the seeder file use callWith(seederClass, params = []) this function has 2 parameters:

  • seederClass: similar to the call() function, this parameter is the Class of the seeder you want to run
  • params: variables you want to pass to the seeder seederClass at runtime
// database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run ( )
        $this -> callWith ( UpdateSomeThingSeeder :: class , [ 'userName' => 'Cong Thanh' ] ) ;
// database/seeders/UpdateSomeThingSeeder.php

class UpdateSomeThingSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run ( $userName = 'Thanh' )
        $this -> command -> alert ( "User name: { $userName } " ) ;

Test run the seeder

php artisan db:seed

This is the result when running the seeder

php artisan db:seed
Seeding: DatabaseSeedersUpdateSomeThingSeeder
*     User name: Cong Thanh     *

Seeded:  DatabaseSeedersUpdateSomeThingSeeder (0.35ms)
Database seeding completed successfully.

3. Reference

4. Conclusion

Hope this sharing will help you newbie a bit in the process of learning about Laravel. If you find it useful, please give me 1 vote 👍 to let more people know and share this.

I’m Cong Thanh, thank you for following my article, if you have any questions, please comment below.

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Source : Viblo