
Kotlin’s In & Out type variant


If you’ve ever defined generic in Kotlin, you’ll notice a lot of times, it will suggest using the in or out keyword to define generic. It confuses me at the beginning of when, what is used, and what is used for. Officially, this is a way to define contravariance and covariant (Reverse and copy variants). It takes a while to learn about it. I will drill down to explain what I understand and remember their differences.

In & Out easily remembered

Out (covariant type)

If your generic class only uses generic as its function output, out is used as the following example:

I call the production class / interface, because its main task is to produce generic types. Therefore very simple to remember:

produce = output = out.

Print (contravariance tye)

If your generic class only uses the generic type as its function input, print is used as the following example:

I call lnos class / interface consumption, because its main task is to consume generic type. It is therefore very simple that one can remember:

consuming = input = in.

Invariant type (Invariant variant)

In the case of a generic class using the generic type as its input and output functions, no in or out is used. It is an immutable variant.

Why use In and Out?

Okay, now you can easily remember when print and out were mentioned, what do they mean? Before we continue, let’s define the burger class object. It is a fastfood, which is a type of food. The class structure is as simple as below.


Burger Production

Looking at the Production Generic Interface defined above, expand them to a foot, fastfood, and burger provider as shown below:

Now let’s create Food Production holders, we can give them all.

Both a burger or fastFood production is a food production. Therefore

For generic ‘out’, we can assign a subtype class to super-type class.

If we change it as below, it will cause an error, because food and fastFood are not just a burger.

Burger Consumer

Now, see the Consumer generic interface defined above. Expand them further to consume food, fast food, and burgers as follows:

Now, let’s create Burger Consumer holders, we can assign all of them to it.

Here, a consumer burger is an American, who is also part of ModernPeople, or possibly part of Everybody. Therefore:

For generic ‘in’, we can assign a super-type class to a subtype class.

If we change it below, it will produce an error, because Food’s consumer may be American or ModernPeople but it’s not just American or just ModernPeople.

Another way to remember In and Out

Starting from the above, another way to know when to use something for:

* SuperType can be assigned as subtype, using IN
* Subtype can be assigned to SuperType, using OUT


I hope you understand this article and it’s helpful for you. Please share it with others.



VII. P / S

If my viblo posts have a Source , this is a translation from the source that is linked to the original post in this section. These are the articles I selected + searched + synthesized from Google in the process of dealing with issues when doing practical projects + useful and interesting for myself. => Translate as an article to rummage through when needed. So when reading the article, please note:

1. You can move to the source to read the original article (extremely recommend).

2. The translated article => It is inevitable that misunderstandings, omissions, confusion due to the difference in language, context as well as the understanding of the translator => Hope you can let Leave comments to complete the problem.

3. The translation is for reference only + contains the meaning of a translated article requested from our company.

4. Hope the article is a little helpful for you (I hope so!). =)))))))

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