
[JavaScript] This cursor in Javascript

Keyword this is a fundamental concept and is no stranger to JavaScript, and according to her it is something misleading and mistaken in this language, this article yourself and you will learn how to Use this correctly in various situations, including sensitive cases, where this is difficult to grasp.

So What is This?

Basically, we use this same way that we use personal pronouns , for example both English and Vietnamese as follows:

  • English : “John is running fast because he is trying to catch the train.”
  • Vietnamese : “Huy is learning English, he’s trying very hard.”

Can you find yourself using the pronoun he and him in the above two sentences? Obviously I can completely rewrite like this:

  • English : “John is running fast because, Joh is trying to catch the train.”
  • Vietnamese : “Huy is learning English, Huy is trying very hard.”

However, in spoken and written literature, not many people and they rarely repeat the name of the character John / Huy , (of course it is not wrong, but it is a bit difficult to hear and if you keep using it). Using such a name is hard to hear.)

=> So short-pointers this in JavaScript is used to represent 1 Object (Object), Object that is the subject of context, or subject of code is run.

For example :

You can run, and display the same results, although for new people, using Person.ho will be more intuitive and easier to understand than using this cursor as the number 2.

However, if your Project after a period of development, and that Project also a few people join but not just you, and the Person above example is a Local variable (local) is create and reside in a certain function , and a certain function also has a local variable with the same name as Person , and there still exists one more Global variable (global), the problem has become troublesome already: 3 .

To avoid making us miserable, miserable, let us use this keyword, not only because it is easy to see, but also the clarity and accuracy in the code, like the pronoun pronouns in communication.

Just like he , he refers to the nouns in the example, this keyword in JavaScript will also be used to refer to the Object whose function (where this is used) is bound.

Keyword this is not the only reference that contains Object value (value) of that object.

The basics of this

First of all, you need to understand that all functions have Property , just like every other Object . When executing that fuction , it will have Property this containing the item of an Object that is calling this function .

Simply put, I have one tentatively called functionA function, the pointer this contains the items referred to functionA Object, and it is also possible through this to get the other items in the Object call functionA.

Note that, if we use strict mode , this will be undefined in the Global functions .

For example:

If this is used inside a function (let’s call it functionA ) then it will contain the Object item called functionA . We need this to access back to get Object method and Property call functionA .

There are a few notes about this as follows:

  • this is the context of where the function contains the keyword this calls.
  • There are two types of context for this keyword: Object contains the method called or Global , nothing more.
  • So when you meet this you don’t care about what it is? but only care about where the function call is stored.

Review the example to understand more about this

The example above I use this pointer used in the method ghepHoTen, and this method is defined in the Object Person, so this will have an item of Object Person.

I have more examples of this for jQuery :

For the jQuery example above, note a few points:

  • <button name="ahihidongok">Add</button> This is an element of the DOM , so it is an Object .
  • $ ("button") , we see this button is included in the function of jQuery $() , so now it has become Object jQuery .
  • jQuery function $() essentially anonymous function (function not name), which is the anonymous function, there is no public Object call it. Without any Object , this will have no context to point to.
  • However, $(this) still has the value of the jQuery Object button because the authors of the jQuery library have always defined that $(this) will be bound to the Object calling the click () method .

This is also quite interesting, I have to let you guys try it out:

Run the code yourself and see the results , guys, quite useful, ahihi

Additional note

If you’ve come this far, and understand the basics of pointers this then you will find that:

  • this of 1 function will not begin any item at all until 1 Object function call contains this inside (I call it functionB offline).

  • Most of this contains Object ‘s item that calls the function , but most of the time.

Use this at the global scope

In the global scope, when code is executed in the browser, all variables (variables) and functions of type Global are defined in the Object window .

Therefore, when using this in the Global form, it will point to (and carry the value) of the Object window (this is no longer true in strict mode as mentioned above).

Note: The Object window is an administrator for all JavaScript applications that run on the web .

Some cases are easy to confuse about this

When entering the actual project, there are cases where this is difficult to know where it points, in this section, you and your friends learn such situations and how to handle them accordingly.

Change context

A bit of “context” before continuing:

As I said above the context is (context), similar to the following sentence:

Tâm là một lập trình viên, anh ấy là người Việt Nam.

Back to level 1 a little bit, identify the sentence above, the Mind is the subject of the sentence, and we go to grade 11 to know more that the context is the Heart because the whole sentence at this time is focused Talk about mind .

even the pronoun he points to Tam .

And like we can use the semicolon (“;”) to change the subject of a sentence, we can convert the current context of the first object to a second object by calling the function corresponding to second statue.

For example :

Using this in the function is passed as a callback

Suppose, I want to click on a button , I will call the ghepHoTen function of Person . Extremely simple, we just pass the function ghepHoTen as a callback for the click function is done.

However, the result will not be as expected, I also explained the above reason with the jQuery example. The object here will be the button itself, not the Person .

Fix it by using the anonymous function , or using the bind function to change the context function that is passed.

Replace the following example:

Use this inside the closure

Another case easy to be misunderstood, that when this is used in a nested function in a different function (a closure). Note that closures cannot access this of the outer function (the outer function ).

this inner anonymous function cannot access this of the external function , so it will be assigned to the Object window (if not using strict mode ).

Replace the following example:

In this case, the usual solution is to create a variable to assign this value to, and access that value in the anonymous function , here I use:

var that = this; //Gán giá trị this vào biến that

If you read a lot of sample code , you will find that JavaScript programmers like to pass this to a variable called that . This naming method doesn’t carry a lot of information (though it may sound awkward), so it is advisable to use a more descriptive name, such as theUserObj .

var theUserObj = this; //Gán giá trị this vào biến theUserObj

When the function is assigned to a variable

If we assign a function to another variable , the context will also be changed. For example:

To solve, we also use the bind function , too simple is not it.

When this used in borrowing method

Borrowing method is quite common in JavaScript , borrowing method helps us save time to develop features that have been developed before, our job is simply take and reuse. .

For example:

We want to borrow the computeAvg () method of Object appController to calculate the average score for the Object gameController. To do this, we need to change the context of the computeAvg () method to Object gameController at runtime, the apply () method in JavaScript will help us to do this:

So we just made borrowing method and changed context with function apply .


Hopefully the article above its helped you understand more about pointers this , for the function (bind, apply, and call) I will try to write a new post to explain more clearly how to use them, but hope That in my article you can understand and use them a little bit.

Always remember that this points to the Object containing the called method or the Global window , and nothing else.

Any comments or suggestions please comment below.

The article has references from the source:

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