
JavaScript Lesson 29 – Abstraction in OOP

Just like in other aspects of life, or in other jobs, the way our minds work to create a work value can always be divided into two stages:

  • Overview, abstraction, planning, etc.
  • Specific conduct, details, work execution, etc..

The earliest tools for OOP , including the class definition syntax and the Inheritance , Encapsulation , and Polymorphism features belong to the second group of tools. That’s when we write code that describes the detailed operation logic for the program. And now we will talk about the Abstraction feature, serving the overall design phase of the software to be built.

In Java and many languages ​​that support OOP topics, Abstraction is supported by a pair of tools named: Abstract Class and Reference Interface .

Abstract Class

We’ll start by looking at an example with the common class we already know. Suppose when building a program to simulate the surrounding environment, we have a lot of individuals from different countries. And for the convenience of creating object that classify individuals by nationality, we will have class like Vietnamese , Japanese , Chinese , etc..

However, because object that simulate individuals also have many basic properties in common, in addition to those that are specific to each country. For example name name , age age , gender gender , methods that support get() , set() , etc.. So to reduce the amount of repetitive code in the above class , we will need a super class of the form. like Person .

The story now is that we only need the class Person in order to reduce the amount of repetitive code in the 1001 inherited class ; But our program never has to create an object directly from the class Person using the new Person() operation. Therefore, the class Person is now understood as a form of Abstract design and creates a Constraint that: all inherited class will have all the essential common elements.

With such a need to use the class Person , in languages ​​like Java , C# , etc.. we can use the abstract keyword placed in front of the class definition, and the compiler will understand that we only use it. use the class Person for general design purposes and wouldn’t want the new Person() operation to be available in the detailed logic code anywhere.

In addition, the abstract keyword in Java can also be attached to the elements of the abstract class and so these elements will only be declarative, and create constraints so that the inherited class will have to fully override the declared essentials.

And so, if in a certain inherited class there is no code to override these abstract elements, when compiling the code we will receive an error message. A very powerful overview design aid.

To bring this feature to JavaScript , we can handle it similarly to the case of trait in the article about Inheritance . However, checking the super class of an object is sometimes also used to generate certain code logic. Therefore we should use class syntax and return null in constructor to block the possibility of object creation by new implementation.

Hmm… about locking the new AbstractPerson() initialization by throw new Error() in the constructor is probably not the point. In fact, when using abstract class in Java , there will also be many cases of built-in constructor to reduce the amount of code that has to be written repeatedly in inherited class . Perhaps we just need to make it an implicit convention when writing our code that we won’t create object from the new operation for class named with the prefix Abstract .


Technically, an Interface is a concise declaration of the components that make up the API programming interface of a code library . This tool originally came from a middle-level programming language called C , where one used header.h files to declare constants and identifier names of sub-program provided by a library to build. The code that implements the detailed logic of the sub-program is then written in other code files implement.c .

And when brought to Java , we can see any class as a library consisting of code that defines the detailed logic of many different elements. Among them, method method and static constants are elements that are often grouped into the API programming interfaces provided by that class . And for each of these programming interfaces, at the program overview design stage, Java provides a declarative syntax with the interface keyword.

Then, at the stage of writing code that implements the detailed processing logic, any class that is defined as having an implements of the Algebra interface – will be bound to need to write implementation code for the methods already declared in this interface ; Or, when compiling the code and running the program without writing the full implementation code, we will receive an error message.

In terms of object reflection and simulation in real life, each of us can handle more than 1 set of tasks in life. For example, during the day, you can be a worker in the labor force such as: Crafts, Construction, Repair, etc.. and at night, you can be a vocational teacher in a middle school. Complementary Teaching Center.

Obviously during each day period and when you are teaching, you will interact with different individuals on different aspects or interfaces. As an employee, you will use certain methods in work and communication that khác biệt from when you are a person passing on knowledge and experience.

And if you intend to create a program that simulates the surrounding environment, then you will most likely want to create a class Person like this:

Thus, when interacting with an object created from the class Person via the Crafter interface, access to teach() will not be available. And the reverse also happens if the reference is passed through the Teacher interface, the craft() method will not be available.

This feature of limiting interaction via interface in Java is called blackbox . If it’s to bring to JavaScript , it’s a bit complicated story, and it takes a lot of manipulation to reorganize the object ‘s architecture. We will save this topic for the next article. For now, we will write example code that brings the interface to JavaScript .

Pretty much the same way we’ve brought trait from languages ​​that support the Multi-Inheritance form into the JavaScript environment. Here we will create a literal object representing the interface and copy the content to the prototype of the class to be implemented using the static constructor .

The limitation in this way is that we will not be able to define constants in the interface with static properties like in Java . And so it would be necessary to use a naming convention to recognize and avoid changing the values ​​of those elements.

Another note is that when using trait , we need to make sure that the interface will be applied to the prototype first.

The reason is because the interface is the tool used in the overall design phase and will come first to create the binding. The trait , on the other hand, is a tool used in the detailed implementation code phase and will come later to ensure that if there are elements that have duplicate definitions with the interface , they will override the existing constraints.

(unpublished) [JavaScript] Lesson 30 – OOP Another Way

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