JavaScript and What You Need to Know (Part 1)

Tram Ho

JavaScript and What You Need to Know (Part 1)

JavaScript is a language that is all too familiar to us. In this article, I will not give the theory for example what javaScript is bla bla .. (if you want to read this, you can google the mountain.) I just write briefly what you need to know about JavaScript based on my own experience and define it in “my popular language”.. JavaScript can not only do on Frontend (some popular frontend frameworks today: ReactJS, VueJS, …) but also Backend (Nodejs). You see JavaScript is beneficial, right Below I will list some of the concepts that a JavaScript person needs to understand and understand. Let’s go

1. What is Synchronous and Asynchronous (Asynchronous)?

  • Synchronous : ie you have 3 jobs “Brushing”, “Breakfast”, “Going to school”. When you finish “Brushing your teeth”, you can go to work “Breakfast”, and you have to finish “Breakfast” before you start “Going to school”. To map with code in JavaScript, I have the following code:

Results returned in the correct order:

  • Asynchronous (Asynchronous) : ie you have 3 jobs “Go to the market”, “Boil eggs”, “Sweep the house”. When you are done with “Shopping”, you should start “Cook”, but you find that “Cooking” takes too long to wait to save time then go “Scan house “always helps to avoid getting cheeks, So you put the boiled water for it, then you go to do the job “Sweeping the house”, not waiting for the boiled eggs to sweep the house, after sweeping the house, the eggs are also boiled and the result is always a delicious egg. and clean house.=> So in Javascript, asynchronous occurs when performing time-consuming tasks such as: request API to wait for API to return data (takes 2 minutes), or when using function setTimeout, Ajax, …. tasks This is like the job “Boil eggs” myself in the example above.

The result is as follows:

In the process you work with JavaScript, the synchronous (Synchronous) and asynchronous (Asynchronous) will certainly happen. Reading now, you will wonder “if in JavaScript there is such an asynchronous, then when you need data from the API to return to get that data to process the next thing?”. In the case below, how to solve it?

Guess what the result is? Now waiting for the response when the API request goes to the database to get the data the user returns for me takes a long time, and the asynchronous JavaScript occurs, it will not wait for the returned data but it jumps into the console statement. and …. of course it doesn’t understand what dataList is to log out

=> This is when 3 guys (most common) handling the asynchronous order to put the correct order according to their wishes without jumping around like the example above in JavaScript came into being:

  • Callback.
  • Promise.
  • Async / await.

Everything has a solution, right?

2. How does JavaScript execute?

JavaScript is a single thread language – ie at the moment only processing one thing. If so, when there is a task that takes 30 minutes, 1 hour, or even more than 1 hour because then you have to wait for this task to finish, then the browser will be frozen and blocked. So why can asynchronous JavaScript occur? So how does JavaScript work? I also find out!

JavaScript introduced it as a single-threaded language, which means it only has one Call Stack and only one thing at a time.

Call Stack : is a data structure stack (stack) used to store information about the operation of the computer program during execution, if the tasks take a lot of time (call api, ajax, setTimeout, callback , …) then these commands will be put into areas called WebAPIs.

WebAPIs : is the place that contains the tasks like: call api, ajax, setTimeout, callback, … I said above.

Callback Queue : The functions and tasks (all api, ajax, setTimeout, callback, …) will be put into the Callback Queue.

Event Loop : It is EL’s task to wait for the Call Stack to be empty and then check the Callback Queue to see if there is anything, if so, pick the first one and put it on the Call Stack to run.

3. Asynchronous handling in JavaScript using Callback, Promise and Async / Await

The purpose of the asynchronous handling I stated in the article above, if you forget you can read it again.


A callback is a function whose argument is function – a function that will be executed after another function has finished. Example using callback.

The results are returned according to what you want:

At this point, a problem occurs that there will be a function nested function (callback too much nested) as shown below:

=> This case is called Callback hell and to solve this problem Promise was born.


Promises are a mechanism in JavaScript that helps you perform asynchronous tasks without falling into callback hell or pyramid of doom. The Promise takes two parameters

  • Resolve: the function that will be called if the asynchronous code in the promise runs successfully.
  • reject: will be called if the asynchronous code in a promise fails.

To create a promise object, you use the Promise class available in the browser as follows:

So api.getUser () will return a promise object. We can access the results returned by the .then () method .Promise also provides two methods: – .then (): to handle after the Promise has been successfully executed (when the resolve is called). . – .catch (): used to handle after Promise has any errors (when reject is called).

A common mistake we make when we first get acquainted with Promise is creating “pyramid” promises like this.

This is because we forgot about the chaining nature of promises, which allows the resolve function to return a synchronous value or another promise. So the workaround is:

In addition to that, the most popular and widely used method in asynchronous handling is Async / Await.

Async / Await

A sync / await is a mechanism that helps you to perform asynchronous operations more sequentially. Async / await still uses the Promise below, but your code will be clearer and easier to follow. To use this, you must declare the function with the async keyword. Then inside the function you can use await.

Note that the output of the async function is always a Promise.

In essence, using async / await is to run Promise implicitly. Although async / await is more concise, easy to understand, there are cases where Promise should be better than async / await. The example is as follows:

At this point it is recommended to use Promise because the functions (getValueA, getValueB, ..) do not depend on each other, but attaching await takes time. => Using Promise.all The use of Promise.all () will ensure we have all the results of the functions before we execute the code afterward (they all run in parallel without waiting in sequence) Rewrite as Following use Promise.all ():


Hope that my article helps you understand some more about JavaScript. If my article has mistakes, comment below so I can correct my mistakes. Thank you. See you in the next posts!

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Source : Viblo