
Java Concurrency Programming

The group of application programming tools that operate multitasking is provided by Java with two concepts, Process and Thread . Where a Process describes a complete code operating environment, and Thread is a form of Process with a simpler design and exists within Process . Each JVM application defaults to being initialized with a Process , and each Process is defaulting to being initialized with a Thread .

Here we will not deal with the management problem at the level of Process , but only learn about how to create Thread .


interface: java.lang.Runnable

Before thinking about parallelizing tasks, we need a common interface to define tasks. Instead of object A describing a task whose launch method is .start() and object B describing another task whose launch method is .execute() , here we have Runnable to create the interface Generic programming for object describes single tasks with a single .run() method to launch them.

Now object describing tasks such as $task are created that have a common programming interface, but have not yet been executed on separate processes. The next step is that we need to create the code execution processes independent from the main operation of the main method.


class: java.util.Thread

We can use class Thread to create object that describe independent code execution processes in two ways: Because class Thread has an implementation of Runnable , we can create object of the anonymous class . and override .run() method; Or, we can also pass a object Runnable to the Thread ‘s initializer.

Here we have the Thread.sleep(1000); will pause the process of Thread executing $task . However, since we have placed $task in a new process, main ‘s process is not affected; And as a result, the print statement "Main thread" will be executed before the print statement in $task .

In case we want to merge the execution of a Thread with any other process, we need to keep the reference address of that Thread and call .join() method in the process we want to merge. Here we will try to merge back to main process by calling .join() method right after .start() .

Operation result:


In the previous article, when giving an overview of Java Collections Framework , we saw that Java provides additional versions thread-safe data structures. The phrase thread-safe means that these constructs are designed to ensure that: in case they are accessed and edited by many different thread at the same time, the performance will always be the same as when working. with a single thread .

To better understand this point, we will start with a self-defined data structure and assume that this structure will store all the data that describes the operating context of an application.

Now we have a object Context shared by all components in the application. Let’s say we have thread A doing increment and retrieval, and thread B at the same time doing decrement and access. At this point, the operation result might look like this:

  • thread A retrieves the value of data=0 and increments the value to 1 .
  • thread B retrieves the value of data=0 and decrements the value to -1 .
  • thread A writes the value back to memory data=1 .
  • thread B writes the value back to memory data=-1 .
  • thread A retrieves the value and prints data=-1 .
  • thread B retrieves the value and prints data=-1 .

Thus, the result we expected for thread A ‘s operation logic is wrong. Instead of printing a value of 1 , thread A ‘s print statement prints -1 . And the Context data structure that we define now is called non-threadsafe – which means it is not safe to use in a multitasking environment. And to simplify the solution here, Java provides a synchronized keyword that can be used for methods and blocks of code.

And this is exactly how Java creates thread-safe versions of data structures. When there are multiple thread concurrently calling a synchronized method, suppose the first .increase() called by thread A will be processed first as above. Then all other method calls of SynchronizedContext will pause to wait for .increase() to finish executing on thread A .

After .increase() has finished executing, JVM will continue to check thread thread A ‘s thread-id among the remaining method calls and find .getData() to print and will continue to prioritize thread A handle this interaction. And the output we have here will be:

  • thread A retrieves the value of data=0 and increments the value to 1 .
  • thread A writes the value back to memory data=1 .
  • thread A retrieves the value and prints data=1 .
  • thread B retrieves the value of data=1 and decrements the value to 0 .
  • thread B writes the value back to memory data=0 .
  • thread B retrieves the value and prints data=0 .

In case we need to convert a non-threadsafe data structure to a synchronized type, we can use the synchronized methods of java.util.Collections

This may have been the right stop for the topic of Concurrency Programming in the introductory Sub-Series of the language. Next, we were able to think about implementing mini project to practice applying OOP thinking to the code architecture of the software we want to build.

At this point, I had to change my mind many times between choosing to build a 2 player mode chess board and a data management application. However, whichever option you choose, you will need to create a graphical interface to interact with the user instead of the command-line window interface. The obvious remaining options are:

  • Draw the interface in a web browser window with HTML , CSS , and JavaScript .
  • Or, draw the application interface independent of a certain framework that supports Java .

The first choice will entail learning about module to create a web server as back-end that handles the core operating logic of the application using Java . It sounds like it will be less effort because we already know about the front-end language set of web programming. However, if you want to create an application that works offline , Java provides module.desktop to support drawing user interfaces. If you don’t really like using the above web-based languages, you can accompany me in the next articles, learn about the java.awt and javax.swing graphical interface drawing package .

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