
Introduction to React Query

Introduction to React Query

Is a JavaScript library for React that provides tools to manage and automatically support API requests in React applications. It makes it easy to manage the state and health of your API requests, automatically reloading data when needed, and reduces the amount of code you need to write to manage API requests.

The Power of React Query

  • Cache data management and updates are extremely simple with zero config
  • No global state, reducer to manage, no academic hard to understand.
  • Compatible and extensible with any use-case

React Query and Redux

When I hear them, I think these two are similar but there are actually quite a few differences

  • React Query is written to process data stored on the server. To access this data, your application needs to use asynchronous requests. This is where you might want to handle caching, loading state, network failures, etc.
  • Redux is a global state management library for React applications. It provides a strict way to manage state and uses actions and reducers to change state. Redux is powerful and flexible, but can be complex for some projects with complex state management requirements.

React Query can be easily integrated with Redux or other state management libraries, but can also be used standalone if your project only needs to manage the state of API requests.

Why React Query?

There are many reasons why you should use React Query in your React project:

  • Ease of use: React Query is easy to use and provides tools for managing and automating API requests, making it easy to manage the state and health of your API requests.
  • Load Optimization: React Query automatically reloads data when needed and keeps reloaded data in cache, helping to optimize page load and user experience.
  • Reduce code: React Query reduces the amount of code you need to write to manage API requests, which speeds development and reduces errors.
  • Simple integration: React Query can be easily integrated with other libraries, like Redux or another state management library, helping you to optimize the use and management of state in your application.
  • Open Source: React Query is open source and has a large developer community.


Here is a small demo code using React Query

It has simply been seen that it has many better points than Redux, but depending on the case, they will use both to be more optimal. Since this is the first post in the series, I hope you guys like it. I will try to write more articles about React Query as well as React. Thanks.

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