
Introducing the NoSQL MongoDB database management system


If the world is negative, there must be positive, men must have women, and SQL must have NoSQL

SQL : Structured Query Language: Structured query language. (SQL, I met quite a lot from college years until I went to work so I won’t discuss much about it)

NoSQL : Non-Relational SQL A type of database that does not query in SQL language. NoSQL database management systems use different storage techniques: key-value pair on RAM, key-value pair on hard drive, documents. / file (document). NoSQL does not have uniform standards like SQL. NoSQL databases are being used more and more in big data applications and real-time web-based applications.


  • MongoDB is an open source database management system, is a NoSql database and used by millions of people, MongoDB is a document-oriented database, the data is stored in JSON-style document. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL).
  • With relational database we have the concept of tables, relational databases (such as MySQL or SQL Server …) use tables to store data, with MongoDB we will use the concept of collection instead of tables.
  • Compared to RDBMS, in MongoDB collection corresponds to table, while document will correspond to row, MongoDB will use documents instead of row in RDBMS.
  • Collections in MongoDB are structured very flexibly, allowing archived data not to follow a certain structure.

Some basic commands

Advantages when using MongoDB

  1. Storing data in JSON format, each collection will have different sizes and documents so it will be very flexible for data storage.
  2. Unlike RDBMS, the data here is not binding and does not require a certain framework so the operations are performed very fast => optimal performance.
  3. Next is also about performance, when there is a data query, the records are cached to Ram memory, so that the next query takes place faster without reading from the hard drive.
  4. Very easy to expand, MongoDB easily expands the system by adding nodes to the cluster – the cluster of nodes containing data that communicate with each other.

When to use MongoDB

  • With the above advantages, when choosing MongoDB, the applications require realtime (real time), fast response, frequent interaction, MongoDB is a suitable choice.
  • When some systems require large data storage, query requests are as fast as BigData systems.


Above is my brief introduction about MongoDB and in addition to MongoDB, there are other NoSQL Database such as Cassandra, Redis, HBase, … Hope to be useful for mn.

Reference links

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