
Introduce the exercises of management method 3.0


In recent times, I have been fortunate to attend an Agile Leadership course and found some very useful things. Through the course, I was introduced to management method 3.0. Unlike previous management methods 1.0 ( Like a machine ) and 2.0 ( Like a sport ), management method 3.0 ( Like a community ) focuses on managing the system instead of managing people. More broadly, even managing yourself can be considered part of the management approach 3.0. Method 3.0 enables each of us to be a manager regardless of the title or position, whether large or small. Management method 3.0 should be used when you need:

  • Boost productivity : Increase productivity
  • Nurture innovation : Maintain innovation
  • Motivate any team : Motivate teams
  • Change the culture : Change the working culture

In this management method, I have summarized, experienced and drawn some useful and interesting exercises, contributing to improving management and leadership skills, divided into:

  • Energize People : Create motivation
  • Empower Team : Empowerment
  • Align Constraints : Create culture and team cohesion
  • Develop Competence : Develop skills for members
  • Grow Structure : Develop an organizational structure
  • Improve Everything : Step by step build and develop skills

1. Energize People exercises

1.1 Kudo Card

An exercise used to document someone’s contributions to the collective. This exercise includes not only the leader praising his staff, but also the members of the same level praising each other.

Kudo Card has many kinds of compliments, such as:

  • : D!
  • Totally Awesome!
  • Thank You!
  • Well Done!
  • Great Job!
  • Congratulations!
  • …..

A Kudo Card will be from one person who sends it to another, containing commendations, compliments, thanks … And all will be put into a box called Kudo Box . After a short period of time (eg 1 week, 1 month …), everyone will open the box together and read the notes to the other person, which can be combined with giving people a lot of rewards. Most acknowledged to motivate the group.

1.2 Moving Motivator

Moving Motivators are used to determine motivation for members. At the same time, this exercise also helps to show whether the member is working properly or not.

In the work, there are 10 basic motivations that everyone is aiming for, though more or less, they are:

  • Curiosity : learning, cultivating skills
  • Acceptance : accepted by everyone
  • Power : be exposed to all areas of work
  • Relatedness : have a good relationship with colleagues
  • Goal : complete the goal of life
  • Honor : be honored, noted
  • Mastery : have expertise in a particular field
  • Freedom : freedom to work
  • Order : working in a stable environment
  • Status : working in good position

In this exercise, we will need to order the dynamics, from high to low, usually on the left with what the member is most interested in, on the right with little or no attention. Over time, if the motives on the left are mostly going up, that member is working as expected, otherwise it will need to be adjusted.

2. Empower Team exercises

Delegation Poker

Delegation Poker helps managers to decentralize more effectively. If too many rights are given, the manager may face many risks, because the person ultimately responsible is still the manager. On the contrary, if given little authority, the manager must do too much work.

There are 7 levels of empowerment:

  • Tell : Manager tells its members how to do it and asks them to follow it.
  • Sell : Management suggests how to make members and tell them why.
  • Consult : A member who manages to give opinions on the matter but still makes the final decision.
  • Agree : Both management and members discuss and make decisions, if there is a dispute, vote.
  • Advise : Management suggests how to do it, but the members will decide.
  • Inquire : Members will do, just let the manager know how to do it or do it first and then report the results later.
  • Delegate : Members can actively work their way and may not need to report back to the manager.

Depending on the job, the management needs a reasonable decentralization regime, so it should increase gradually from level 1 to level 7, not exceeding level.

3. Align Constraints exercises

3.1 OKR

OKR (or Objective and Key Result ) is a method to clearly and clearly define tasks that need to be completed in a given time period. Inside:

  • Objective : represents the goal to be achieved, is a destination that individuals or organizations set out for a problem.
  • Key Result Results: are the key results to achieve for Objective , which are quantitative and measurable.

OKR usually will be done quarterly (3 months), this is a sufficient time for us to set goals, can be completed if effort. There are 2 notes when setting OKR that you should follow:

  • Do not set an impossible goal, which can easily lead to failure and can be accumulated in the next quarter.
  • Do not set goals too easily, losing the motivation to work.

Currently there are many software that have OKR management features, such as Align , GI OKR , Javelo .

= >> Or if you are an employee of Sun Asterisk, then definitely have to try the OKR management software which is going to be used by the whole company as S * Goal , the software has both Web and Mobile versions, very Convenient and easy to use ^^.

3.2 Personal Map

The method is inspired by the Mind Mapping , which is used for each individual to bring out their own characteristics, interests, education, etc. in the form of diagrams. Thereby every member can better understand other members of the group.

Each person will need to prepare an A4 paper (or other optional size), then combine with colored pens and photos to describe themselves.

4. Develop Competence exercises

In this section, unfortunately I have not participated in a specific exercise, but there are some exercises that everyone can refer and perform:

5. Grow Structure exercises

Meddler Game

An exercise that helps you build, expand, and balance work among members of an organization.

Meddler will have you ways to:

  • Work with multiple products and POs (product owners) at the same time.
  • Meet the management structure according to Agile.
  • Balance professionalism and generalization.
  • Choose between single-function groups and multi-function groups.
  • Handling dependencies between groups.
  • Allow groups to organize themselves
  • Empower individuals to define their roles within a group or company.
  • ……

6. Improve Everything exercises

Celebration Grid

An exercise that emphasizes learning. The results sometimes are not the only ones we get.

We will realize that sometimes it will fail despite doing a familiar job every day, or sometimes succeed with work never done. But above all, it is important that you learn later. Everything you learn, whether successful or unsuccessful, is worthy of recognition.


These are just some exercises to help us master the 3.0 management method more easily, there are still many other exercises at , you can try Follow and apply with your team. Thanks for reading my writing.


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