Instructions for installing Python 3.7 on CentOS

Tram Ho

In this article, I will show you how to install Python 3.7 environment on Centos operating system.

1. Setting requirements

Before installing Python, you need to install GCC compiler, you must run as root or sudo

2. Download Python 3.7

You download the installer from the official website

Now extract the downloaded file

3. Install Python 3.7

You move into the Python-3.7 directory and run the commands below

Use make altinstall to avoid replacing python’s default binary /usr/bin/python

Now delete the downloaded zip file

**4. Check Python Version **

In the following article, I will guide you to install the Oracle Client environment that allows you to manipulate Python to connect to the Oracle Database (This is a database used by many software developers)

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Source : Viblo