Install Apache Superset on AWS EC2 (ubuntu)

Tram Ho

Detailed instructions for installing pache Superset on ubuntu EC2 virtual machine (AWS). Phase1-Catwing-reports-1-1024x585.jpg


Apache SuperSet is an Open Source data visualization tool that can be used to represent data graphically. The Superset was originally created by AirBnB and later released to the Apache community. Apache Superset is developed in Python language and uses Flask Framework for all web interactions. Superset supports the majority of RDMBS through SQL Alchemy.


  • Open the console, select EC2
  • Launch instance
  • Ubuntu free-tier eligable – t2.micro
  • Memory choice (I chose 10GB)
  • Security group – set all traffic in inbound rude
  • Assign key to instance (for ssh)
  • Launch it


Because ubuntu 22.04 sets python 3.10 as default, but Superset doesn’t support python 3.10 version yet, so we will create virtual environment running with python 3.9:

Install virtual environment on python 3.9 platform:

Install the libraries in the requirements.txt . file

Contents of the requirements.txt . file

Run the program

Create an Admin account (you will be prompted to set your username, last name, first name, email set password)

Initialize the database:

Load some sample data

Create default roles and permissions

Start the web server on port 8080 with the EC2 virtual machine’s Public IPv4 DNS

Sign in and use it!!!


Beginners Guide how to Install Superset (Opensource BI platform) on EC2 AWS instance

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Source : Viblo