iFixit tried to drill a small hole on Apple AirTag to hook the key, the result still works normally

Tram Ho

Apple AirTag accessories help users locate the exact lost items, especially keys. However, AirTag does not have holes for users to hook their keys in, instead users will have to buy additional strap accessories.

iFixit thử khoan một lỗ nhỏ trên Apple AirTag để móc chìa khóa, kết quả vẫn hoạt động bình thường - Ảnh 1.

Apple AirTag.

To find a solution, iFixit’s team experimented with drilling a small hole in the AirTag. The results were quite surprising when the AirTag was still able to function normally.

“We took a 1/16 drill and carefully punched a hole through our AirTag, after removing the battery of course. We miraculously avoided all the chips, boards and antennas, just drilled through the plastic and glue. The AirTag survives and can function as if nothing had happened, ” iFixit said.

iFixit thử khoan một lỗ nhỏ trên Apple AirTag để móc chìa khóa, kết quả vẫn hoạt động bình thường - Ảnh 2.

Drilling a small hole does not affect the AirTag.

However, iFixit also warns that you need to remove the battery before drilling and improper drilling can cause serious damage, completely ruining the AirTag. iFixit recommends that users do this only when determining the location of the chip, board or antenna inside the AirTag.

In addition, iFixit also compared AirTag with Tile Mate and Samsung Galaxy SmartTag. In particular, the AirTag has the smallest size, using a removable 3-volt CR2032 battery, like the SmartTag uses. All 3 are removable by hand without using any other tools, but according to iFixit, the AirTag is the most difficult to disassemble.

iFixit thử khoan một lỗ nhỏ trên Apple AirTag để móc chìa khóa, kết quả vẫn hoạt động bình thường - Ảnh 3.

Tile Mate, Samsung Galaxy SmartTag and Apple AirTag.

Apple’s iFixit says Apple’s AirTag is designed to take full advantage of the internal space, thanks to which it’s the most compact in size. However, of all three, only Apple’s AirTag has no holes to hook the keys or thread.

Reference: theverge

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