
I love Go. And I also hate Go (part 2)


Immaturity and Future promise

You have been in a relationship where minor disagreements immediately escalate to "should we break up?". The Go document can even push you into another language without any humiliation. Do I have asserts? If you are a bad programmer, this is unquestionable. But is it worth it to comply with ABI? Look for that in other languages. Can you show me the absolute value of this int function? Do you have any problems with your "less" key?

I am sure that time will, as it always does, bring about pragmatism. I appreciate Go really getting good and strong views (it's hard to remember the time when I didn't agree with them). Weak views on how to turn languages ​​into a messy, overlapping, unreadable mechanism. My favorite example with this problem is Perl. My first programming job is in Perl. I used to be an active teen reader of Perl llama and Camel books. In an interview, Larry Wall – founder of Perl – said: "In Perl 6, we decided that language editing would be better than modifying or changing users." This statement contrasts with Go's assertion of assertions:

“Go does not provide assertions. There is no denying that these assertions are convenient, but our experience shows that developers use them as supporters to avoid thinking about reporting and resolving errors. "

Whatever the user wants, Perl will become the same thing. Those who please others as much as possible. Golang believes that users have shortcomings and the structure of this language will correct those shortcomings. This is an authoritarian, consistent argument in its own ideals but too sensitive to seek compromise (like anyone we know?)

No matter how frustrating I am, I still like to write code with Go . It is clear, clean and supported by a large community and ecosystem. I am generally quite heartbroken when Go 1.7 will default to frame pointsers. Estimating some types of bugs is still a pain, but I'm sure Go will improve and I will recognize where I can start working.

Source: IDE Academy via Dtrace

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