
How we build Website Blog

In fact, you can completely build your own blog-style website to share articles and gain knowledge from people around you. But to do that you need a large amount of knowledge to understand and grasp? I will go through some details

  • Should choose CMS For Blog
  • Experience building a Blog-style website
  • Next Direction from Blog

I. Should choose CMS For Blog

First, if choosing CMS? So what is that CMS? Well, it’s not strange that everyone must have thought of WordPress. That’s right, why choose WordPress. We will go through the levels of a WordPress website => For non-IT professionals. With this level, you will only need a little domain knowledge, hosting and finding the right theme, see a few series of tutorials on how to create a WordPress website in a few hours, but without a few notes, you probably already have a product. Your next step is to optimize your WordPress website.

  • Optimize slugs for articles, table of contents
  • Shape the file of customers that will drive to your website
  • Install some important plugins for your website for builder, seo, acceleration, cache, ..blabla. Overall okay. With Non-IT like this, it’s enough for a new journey, isn’t it? => If you are an IT specialist. What do you think if you just create a WordPress website and build your skills as a WordPress developer? It would be much better if the second ability was developed and you got a part-time job to do a noodle project and the client had a website right away. So how is the roadmap shared ( ) Level 1: Install themes, plugins and edit the website ( ) Level 2: Also install themes but share custom themes by using tools like WP Bakery Page Builder or Elementor, Smart Slider Pro. Since Elementor takes advantage of HTML Widget, you can build any UI you want with just basic HTML, CSS and JS. Looks great, doesn’t it? Now upgrade to the 3rd level where WordPress developers adapt all customer requirements (*) Level 3: From Figma drawings, to Adobe XD. You create a custom theme (or write a dump) with integrated vendor(composer.json) and node_module(package.json), taxonomy,… You can solve the customer problem. For your reference, visit github here:

II. Experience building a Blog-style website

You will need to understand some programming languages ​​like PHP, C#, Javascript, Java to write your own blog. Maybe it will take a lot of time and you will learn a lot of things for such a small blog project? Let’s take a few examples for you to visualize and learn together. If you don’t use wordpress, what language do you write in and what framework do you use? How long does it take to solve each problem? Show me some math problems? OK Let’s go?

  • Assignment problem. Are you sure you have Authenticcation? If so, do you have Authorization? How do you share Roles, Permissions? How is the user’s access rights restricted or limited?
  • CMS (Content Management) problem: Which Editor do you use to write articles, and what database or media will the article information be stored on? Maybe S3 or at your server.
  • SSR problem. Do you find WordPress seo good? That’s a supported SSR. If you use React, Vue to write, where do you get this mechanism? Ah, please come up with Next JS and Nuxt JS. It must be terrible after all, this is the patch of the other two gods, but because of running the compiled Node.js environment, it seems to be written separately but can’t stick to the cluster.
  • SEO problem. How do you share the tags?, how are the tags, how are the slugs arranged? Google best indexes the content? and how to check if the link is broken and not indexed by Google? Use Google Search Console or use Google Cloud Platform to dig deeper
  • Assuming the website needs a chatbox, a 3rd service like elasticsearch is called. Do you organize your website in the direction of microsoft services? Simple math problems are created to give you a closer look at creating a blog website.
  • Payment problem: If you want to sell items in your blog or subscription to users.. How can you design or store customer money in the system to buy items or items?
  • Search: It’s many types of simple SQL query, Full text search, elastic search, solr search… So much more you can learn from blogging.
  • Advanced techniques: Lazy loading when the article content is too long…
  • Page Builder: if you want to take advantage of So some problems make you think and then fail? There really is more and you need to reach this level to improve your programming skills. Share here for those who follow the Website should know how to go deep. The more problems you solve, the more experience you gain.

III. Next Direction from Blog

If you’re tough, you can programmatically create your next product or serve a client as a project. There are many more I just share here. If anyone has any questions or comments, just ask me the answer?

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