
How to use rethrows keyword in Swift

Rethrows in Swift allow to forward an error thrown by a certain parameter function. It is used a lot in methods like map , filter and forEach help the compiler determine if a try prefix is ​​needed.

1. How to use rethrows keyword

The rethrows keyword used in functions does not throw an error but instead forwards the error from their parameter functions. It also allows the compiler to request the try keyword only if a given callback is actually causing the error.

Take the following example of a rethrowing method that does a rethrowing callback:

If the callback we passed did not cause an error, we could call the method like this:

However, as soon as our callback is likely to cause an error, the compiler asks us to use try for our rethrowing method:

The compiler pointed out that our rethrows method is not marked with try

This is great because it allows us to only use the try keyword if the body actually gets an error. There is no need to wrap our method in a try-catch if it is not likely to receive an error.

If we were to write the same method without rethrows , we would have to use try in all cases:

In other words, rethrowing methods only need to be marked with try if their parameter function is likely to cause an error.

2. An example in real case

Now that we know how rethrows keyword rethrows , we can see an example in a real case. In the following code, we created a closure method for an array of strings in which we concatenated elements based on a predicate:

By default, the standard filter method is rethrow the errors. However, if we want to benefit from this behavior in our joined closure method, we also need to implement our custom rethrowing method. Otherwise, we will not be able to throw any errors in our predicate.

A usage example might look like this:

Since we have a name with the number 4 in it, the combined method will cause an error.

3. Use rethrows to cover the error

Another common use case is to encapsulate other errors into a locally defined error type. In the following example, we have specified a storage controller that returns a Result enum with a type StorageError strong. However, our FileManager method can throw any other error we want to wrap in the StorageError.otherError instance.

Using the perform rethrowing method with the given callback, we can catch any error that happened:

4. Override the methods with the rethrows keyword

It is important to understand that throwing methods cannot be used to override rethrowing method because it will suddenly turn throwable method into throwing method. The throwing method also cannot respond to the “protocol” protocol request to the rethrowing method for the same reason.

On the other hand, a rethrowing method can override a throwing method because in the end a throwing method is also a throw function. This also means you can use the rethrowing method to respond to protocol requests for throwing methods.

5. Conclusion

Rethrows in Swift prevents the use of the try keyword for no reason. If the inner method does not cause an error, then the rethrows keyword ensures the compiler knows that no try is needed. A rethrowing method will forward any errors generated by its function parameters.

Hopefully, this will help you with more efficient coding.

So my post here is over. Thank you for watching the article.

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