
How to build a VUE CLI project from the beginning P1

1 Create a Repository from github

Step1: Go to github to create a repository

Step 2: Select a folder to store on the computer

You can choose any folder. I recommend that you leave it in D

Step3: Open the gitbash and empty clone project you just created on github

First, if you don’t have gitbash, you can go here to download

câu lệnh : git clone + pase The basic command commands of git

2 Create a project with vue cli

  • The package name of the old vue-cli is vue-cli and the current name is @vue/cli
  • If your device has installed vue-cli (1.x or 2.x) package installed globally you need to uninstall before npm uninstall vue-cli -g or yarn global remove vue-cli.
  • The Vue CLI requires you to use Node.js version 8.9 or above 8.11.0
  • step 1: run the command to create a new package, you can turn on the TERMINAL of VS code to run if you use VScode like yourself

If successful you will receive a Success notice. You already have vue binary access in the command line, you can check the version with the vue --version command

  • step2: create a new project After the global installation is complete you can use * .vue to run. But our purpose is a complete CLi structure so we will use the vue create vue-cli-version1 command to initialize a vue-cli-version1 project

After you run the command – you will see an option

If you continue to press the Enter key – the system will automatically install the defaults for you babel and eslint . If you choose Manually select features you will have a number of options to configure your project.

These things we will talk about in the next section we choose default and press enter to create a new project. After successful creation you will also receive a success message. Congratulations, you have successfully created a project using vuecli. You can also use vue create --help to see some optional commands

  • step 3: run the project

To run your newly created project

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