How important is Hou-Ren-So in software project?

Tram Ho

If you work for the Japanese market, you’ve probably heard of the term Hou-ren-so somewhere. But do you really understand the meaning and importance of this term yet? Let’s find out and discuss together. **

A. What is Hou-ren-so?

  • Hou-ren-so in Japanese stands for 3 words Houkoku (Report) – Renraku (Contact) – Soudan (Discussion).
  • “Report” : When there is a problem, immediately report it to the nearest leader. Briefly report the situation you are facing, the state of the problem, how to solve the problem you are facing: how to handle it, how to handle it …
  • “Communication” : regular communication and communication with other team members so that they can grasp the situation and make suggestions to solve problems or develop better plans.
  • “Discussion” : When reporting the situation, contacting related members but the problem has not been resolved, at this time everyone will meet and discuss to find the best solution to the problem. .

DO NOT ONLY work in the Japanese market to need Hou-ren-so but in the US, UK, Australia, Korea, China market or any other market, any specialized job needs these 3 factors.

B. The importance of Hou-ren-so:

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

If you are a member, you should understand that Leader asked me to:

  • See how far the project or myself has completed the task, have you overloaded or have any difficulty performing the task or not?
  • If so, they will capture the situation and send people to support you or if the work is overloaded, the leader will review the task allocation so that it is more reasonable, not a book or a bullying. . So please report fully and in detail.

Scenario 3:

To this question you should answer more fully:

=> With this answer, Leader will understand the cause and the ACTION that you will correct rather than one sentence – no improvement above.

Scenario 4:

Should notCandlestick
– Customers ask to make 1 CR difficult
– Brse: I will discuss with the team to see if I can do it …
=> Show lack of confidence, ambiguity,
Instead let’s say: I will talk to the team to learn and estimate the work and report again at 2pm
– Customers are slow to respond to Q&A
– Brse: You need to answer Q&A before the morning or we won’t be able to continue.
=> Ordering attitude, not cooperating.
Let’s learn about the difficulties of customers and find solutions together.
– The client’s assessment is not good about the project
– Brse: It is not as bad as you think, it is because you have not seen how the team tried
– When customers express dissatisfied attitude, first sympathize with them, do not look down on their feelings, rush to explain immediately.
– What customers expect most from the business is an apology. So always start the problem-solving process with a sincere apology.

C. Notes to comply with Hou-ren-so:

a. Points to note in the REPORT:

  • Avoid emotional exclamation words
  • Avoid having to ask again
  • Data is needed
  • Need to stand from the point of view of outside the project to evaluate who the report is, people need to know what information.
  • Report framework:
    + Current situation
    + Cause
    + Progress

b. Points to note in CONTACT:

  • Get the information as soon as possible
  • When processing, it is necessary to give a timeline to update the situation
  • Need to understand what you will say, exchange the actual situation, what is the judgment to say is the judgment and give the basis
  • Present clearly and concisely
  • Save evidence

c. Points to note in Table of Contents:

  • Capture psychology of the object to discuss => Time to discuss
  • Build relationships from before
  • Exchange based on numbers, actual situation
  • Try asking the opposite question sometimes: if you were in my situation what would you do…?
  • Absolutely not criticize, always remember to exchange constructive spirit towards win-win
  • Save evidence

D. Hou-sen-so in what ways?

E. Things TO AVOID

  • Not everything is good, communication is too full of things: “Bro, I’m going to have lunch, please come home 5 minutes late”, while there is no meeting.
  • Top-down corporate culture, the boss strutting does not listen
  • After listening, quit
  • Thought only need one-way hou-ren-sou, superiors -> subordinates
  • Psychology is afraid to report bad issues
  • Bring in a personal opinion and despise the process

Above is the knowledge about Hou-ren-so, I hope it will help your work more profitable. Hope you guys will always be happy and full of energy.

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Source : Viblo