
How does a day of billionaire Elon Musk happen?

Elon Musk is a billionaire with a net worth of more than $ 23 billion, but he is also a very busy person. Elon Musk has to run both companies Tesla and SpaceX at the same time, so it’s no surprise that his workday is often packed with work.

To the extent that Elon Musk has to break down his work schedule into 5-minute time frames, constantly multitasking, have lunch in the blink of an eye and do not answer the phone. Business Insider had interviews with Elon Musk, and described a typical working day of this busy billionaire.

Musk got up early to start his work day, but not too early. Usually he would wake up at 7 o’clock, and make sure he slept exactly 6 hours.

Musk frequently skips breakfast. Occasionally, he would have time to quickly drink a cup of coffee and eat an omelette.

One thing Musk always spends time with, is taking a shower. He once shared on Reddit that taking a shower is more positive than any other routine.

At work, Elon Musk became an accurate machine. He will divide time into 5-minute time frames for each type of job. Musk works 85-100 hours a week, about 80% of his time at work is devoted to design and engineering.

Every Monday and Friday, Musk will visit SpaceX in Los Angeles. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Musk will visit Tesla in the Bay Area. On average, he spends 42 hours a week working at Tesla and 40 hours a week at SpaceX. Additionally, Musk spends about half a day a week working at Open AI.

Elon Musk’s weekend is also quite special. He will take Sundays to rest, can travel or stay at his Bel Air mansion. However, on Saturday, Musk was still working at SpaceX.

Musk also spends time with his 5 children. But he will still work in the meantime: “I can stay with them and still answer emails. If I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t be able to finish my work in time. ”

Multitasking is an important part of Musk’s way of working. He often meets while working on smartphones.

In order not to be distracted and focused, Musk almost didn’t answer the phone, he just answered emails and texts. Musk also uses an obscure email address to avoid spamming.

Musk doesn’t spend much time eating. He usually eats lunch right in the meeting, and will finish it in just 5 minutes.

Dinner is the time Musk eats the most. However, it is time to discuss the business.

One of Musk’s favorite foods is the Coke Diet. Musk also enjoyed eating barbecue and drinking alcohol in the past, but he tried to eat healthier.

Musk still goes to the gym once or twice a week, in the afternoon.

Despite being very busy, Elon Musk still has time to read books. His favorite book is “The Lord of the Rings”, a biography of Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein.

Musk also knows how to play and party. Once he hired a castle in England to celebrate his birthday, guests were invited to participate in a large-scale hide-and-seek game, Musk also asked a guest to throw a knife at a balloon he held between. my legs.

Musk never goes to bed before 1 am. Going to bed late is understandable when he always has a busy schedule.

Reference: Business Insider

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