If you ask any Japanese about internal communication methods in their company, you will easily get HORENSO answers. For Japanese people, HORENSO is not only an internal communication method for teamwork, but also a national cultural characteristic.

HORENSO is an acronym for 3 words:

  • HO – HOKOKU: Report
  • REN – RENKAKU: Contact
  • SO – SODAN: Discuss

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Any Japanese organization complies with the HORENSO method. They point out that HORENSO is the most systematic and effective way to prevent risk.

Please HORENSO with the customer with your immediate supervisor, colleagues in the department, or other departments to ask for help when needed. It is best to find the fastest solution if possible with the customer's requirements. In case of necessity, please forward the request to the superior or the person responsible for direct settlement.


In the above model, you must first realize that Reporting is a task. If you do not receive your report, your boss is very worried, because you do not know how your work is going. Don't wait until the boss asks you: "How's it going?". Actively reporting is what your boss likes best. But what to report? How and when to report?

Reporting time : reporting time should be based on the following items

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  • At the end of the assignment.
  • For long-term tasks. It is recommended to report progress during task execution.
  • If there is any change in the process of performing the task, it must also be reported.
  • When you collect new information, you should report it.
  • When you find a new and improved method for work
  • When meeting issue.

Good reporting method:

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  • Periodically, accurately, fully, bad news in advance, polite style, respect for news recipients.
  • Information reported with selection and analysis.
  • There are solutions.
  • In an emergency we can report by mouth.
  • Can report in writing: If complicated content is difficult to understand, we can use graphs, graphics, drawings, etc. to describe them easily.
  • Report by Email ..

Method of reporting is not good:

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  • Impromptu, inaccurate.
  • Little information.
  • Good news.
  • Style lack respect
  • Statistical information.
  • Just ask and reference.


In HORENSO , communication is the hardest. Therefore, Japanese people always remind when contacting, we need to consider. Communication is always related to time factors. Sometimes, you want to contact to remind your boss to comply with the customer's deadlines, but seeing your boss is too busy, or your boss doesn't care, what should I do? PLEASE be the fastest way to contact your boss. "Sorry boss, but I have to tell your boss this problem …". You must let your boss know that you have confirmed the time limit for your request, repeating the time factor for your boss.

Good communication method:

  • For simple or urgent tasks, you can contact via Mouth, phone, fax … and just say the necessary points
  • Fast and timely (realtime)
  • Promote (more people know better)
  • Do it continuously
  • When you need to contact many people: you can use the morning meeting, the end of the day meeting or use the internal newsletter to inform.
  • Related to Motto, quality improvement, next experience withdrawal … should be used for communication.

Communication method is wrong:

  • Communication is too long, difficult to understand.
  • Contact things that are not related to the current job.
  • Communication takes too much time: think about how much communication and communication time is.
  • Using Email and chat methods while sitting close to each other
  • The lengthy content takes too much time to read.
  • Slowly too long to make.
  • It people know.
  • Making improvisation.


This is the key point for you to solve your work most effectively. You should remember that no individual has a perfect knowledge. So, ask each other's opinions, contribute their opinions is to contribute a different perspective for the problem raised. And it is important that you choose the optimal plan for your problem.

Good way to discuss:

  • Eastern people, many personality, style.
  • Note the comments.
  • Encourage speaking.
  • The purpose is clear, everyone catches.
  • There is a final decision
  • Everyone complies with the decision

Bad discussion:

  • Few people, manage points and do the same.
  • Not recorded.
  • Uncle left immediately.
  • No one knows the purpose.
  • No final decision.
  • Each person makes a direction.

HuyenCham writer

ITZone via Viblo

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