
Greatly creating and managing databases good social network sites

There are many ways to make money online like freelance, e-commerce websites, even social networking websites. Especially a famous social networking site will help you earn money. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter … for example, are billions of dollars worth of business products.

Of course, behind those pages must be a good idea and a perfect execution process. Therefore, if you want to create a well-connected website, you should consider the following two main factors: ideas and how to do it.

A good social networking or mobile app website requires a good database to set up. This is also one of the most difficult tasks because there are many issues to consider. For example, when creating a database on MySQL, you can freely handle the user environment of 10,000 users but emerge other issues such as the Architecture of Design architecture design.

Database architecture is one of the most complex features. That's why you go to experts. Creating a database costs a lot and corrects more complex errors. So everything needs to be completed right from the beginning, in order to save costs and avoid unfortunate circumstances.

Whether it's a social networking website or a website, here are 3 important features in all databases:

Backup system is very important. In the event of an error and damage to the database, the information stored in the backup system can be recovered. Technology also supports setting up good databases. All you need to do is contact an IT professional to determine the best database backup methods.

Where is your database capacity? For social networking websites, the biggest problem is always traffic. When the website becomes more and more popular, you have to handle traffic carefully because there are many people who view the website, receive and transfer certain information in a period of time.

Now, the role of database administrator (DBA) becomes more important. Some small errors in the database can cause the whole website to be messed up, the longer the website is off the worldwide web, the more money you lose. Of course this will not happen if you sign a service contract with DBA experts.

TopDev Techtalk # 53: Design a Scalable Social Network – Problems & Solution

* Ho Chi Minh: 18:00 – 21:00 on December 9, 2016

There are 2 ways you can solve database administration tasks.

Through DBA services or hire in-house DBA. However, if renting in-house, the member is on leave, the website will not be managed continuously. Unfortunately, something happens on the weekends, you may not be able to fix it in time and the losses are huge.

Important features of 1 social media database.

These are common features for all websites. However, with social media websites, there are a few things to keep in mind in your database

  1. Efficiency

Performance will involve response time, especially percentiles and averages. Normally, thanks to both writes and ready, you will handle performance by buffering writes and how to read. Caching will reduce both the read traffic to the database and the end-users response time seen.

Of course, caching also has its own problems, but even the simplest caching option still supports you a lot. The writes can be buffered so that at peak times, the database is not overloaded.

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  1. Scalability

This feature relates to the number of users that the website can handle simultaneously, also called requests-per-second. A database that is good for social networking websites should support read-scaling, write-scaling, using lock-free data architectures and algorithms.

  1. Fault-tolerance

Some errors when the website occurs still work but there are a few types of errors that the database will not solve. Ability to fault (fault tolerance) of the database is often related to the type of error that the system can support. You probably won't want your website to be inactive because errors occur in the database. With experience from IT experts about data, you will create a database that can withstand other errors.


Overall, social networking websites will be very profitable. This is the result from the traffic that the website attracted. In order for the website to work properly, it needs a high-performance, scalable and error-tolerant database.

Source: ITZone via Social Media Today

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