
Google offers a $ 1.5 million reward for anyone who can hack the Titan M security chip on a Pixel smartphone

Google has increased the maximum award to $ 1 million for anyone who can hack the Titan M security chip on Pixel smartphones. The winner of this award needs to find a way to take control remotely from the smartphone. And there will be an additional 50% prize if it is possible to simultaneously find a security hole on the developer Android version, raising the prize to $ 1.5 million.

Launched in 2018 on Pixel 3, Google's Titan M security chip can remove damaging data from the main processor, to protect against hacker attacks. Google says the chip offers security for login credentials, encrypted hard drive storage, application data and system integrity.

In addition, Google will award a $ 500,000 award to anyone who can extract data and bypass the lock screen of Pixel smartphones with the Titan M security chip.

In 2019, Google paid a total of $ 1.5 million to security experts for finding vulnerabilities, which is part of Google's Android security vulnerability search program. On average, a software developer can earn $ 15,000 from a found security vulnerability.

Reference: theverge

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