Google lays off thousands of employees by 2023?

Tram Ho

Recently, Google is said to be implementing an employee performance evaluation system (GRAD) to increase the work efficiency of each employee and thereby also identify which employees are not working. good to be put on the fired list. There is also information that Google, Amazon and some big technology firms are also preparing to lay off a large number of employees.

According to CNBC’s share, Google’s GRAD assessment tool has been applied and will begin to conduct the assessment in 2023 (probably in the first half of the year). According to Google’s estimates, about 6% of its employees will receive a low rating and about 22% of employees will receive the highest rating.

It is known that 6% of Google employees, equivalent to about 10,000 people, are low performers. Google employees believe that the GRAD index may not be an accurate measure of work performance.

The two biggest layoffs this year belong to Meta and Twitter. Each corporation lays off thousands of employees.

In early 2022, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) CEO Sundar Pichai asked employees to be more productive.

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Source : Genk