Getting started with GNU / Linux, Useful keyboard shortcuts on Linux

Tram Ho

Basic keyboard shortcuts for quick operation on Terminal.

Use the Terminal

Most of the functions of GNU / Linux are implemented on Terminals , Linux distributions including Terminals that allow users to interact with shells from computers. Sell as compiled command-line allows the user to execute the command. Bash (Boure Again Shell) is a common default shell on Linux distributions and a default shell on macOS.

Open Terminal

  • Ctrl + Alt + T or Super + T

Move the mouse cursor

  • Ctrl + A: Move to the beginning of the typing line.
  • Ctrl + B: Move to the end of the typing line.
  • Ctrl + XX: Move between the beginning of the line and the current position.
  • Alt + F: Move one letter to the right.
  • Alt + B: Move one letter to the left
  • Ctrl + F: Move one character to the right.
  • Ctrl + B: Move left one character.

Working with text

  • Ctrl + U: Delete the text from the current position to the beginning of the line.
  • Ctrl + K: Delete the text from the current position to the end of the line.
  • Ctrl + W: Delete from the front of the current position.

    (The text will be saved to clipbroad)

  • Ctrl + Y: Paste text in clipbroad.
  • Atl + T: Swap two words in front of the current position.
  • Alt + L: Lowercase letters after current position.
  • Alt + U: Capitalize letter after current position.
  • Alt + C: Capitalize to the end of the word starting at the current position.
  • Alt + D: Delete from behind the current position.
  • Alt +.: Display the last word of the previous command.
  • Ctrl + T: Swap two characters before the current position.

Control Terminal

  • Ctrl + L: Clear screen, keep current line.
  • Ctrl + S: Stop all output on the screen.
  • Ctrl + Q: Resume output on screen.
  • Ctrl + C: Stop the current command.
  • Tab: Autocomplete file or folder name.
  • Tab Tab: Show all possible possibilities.

Close the Terminal

  • Ctrl + Shift + W: Close the current Terminal.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Q: Close the entire Terminal.
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Source : Viblo