
Generics in TypeScript

TypeScript is an open source language based on JavaScript, one of the most popular and used languages. Typescript extends Javascript by adding some static types.

Types provides a more explicit method for describing object morphology, better documentation description, through which TypeScript can determine that our code is working correctly. In this article, we will learn about Generics in TypeScript.

What are generics?

Generics are a feature in TypeScript and other programming languages ​​that allow us to write a common function, class, or interface for many different data types, and only specify the specific data type when using the data type. there.

Syntax Generics

Generics in TypeScript inside curly braces, in the format <T> , where T represents the type passed in. <T> can be read in a generic form of type T.

In this case, T will behave the same way parameters work in functions, as placeholders for a type that will be declared when an instance of the struct is created. Therefore, generics types specified inside curly braces are also known as generic type parameters or just type parameters. Multiple generic types can also appear in a definition, such as <T, K, A> .

For example:

Create a new instance of generics class

To create an instance of a generic class, we need to construct the class and tell the compiler through the <> syntax. We can use any type for type T in generic syntax, including base types, classes or interfaces.

For example:

In the example above. we have created a generic class with a data type parameter T. When creating an instance of this class we need to specify the specific data type we want to use (in this case number )

Limit type T

When using generics, it is sometimes advisable to restrict type T to only a specific type, or subset of types. In these cases, we don’t want our generic code to be available for any type of object, we just want it for a specific subset of objects. TypeScript uses inheritance to do this with generics.

Example 1:

In the above example, we have created a generic class GenericClass with type T that inherits from Shape class. This means that only instances of Shape class or classes that inherit from Shape are allowed to pass this generic class

Example 2:

In example 2 above, we also use extends to specify that T can only be number or string . This means that when creating an instance of the class, we can only specify the data type as number or string .

Generic interfaces

We can also use interfaces with generic type syntax.

For example:

In this example we have created a generic interface GenericInterface with type T. Then create a class ImplementationClass that implements interface GenericInterface and specify string as type T. When using class ImplementationClass , we have to comply with the requirements of generic interface , which includes specific properties, methods, and data types.

Creating new objects in generics

Sometimes, generic classes may need to create an object of the type passed in as type T.

For example:

In the above example, we define 2 classes: FirstClass, SecondClass. Then we have a generic class and a function create. Create this function to create a new instance of type T. In the last 4 lines of the example we want to use GenericCreator class to create a new instance.

When we run the above example, we will generate a TypeScript compile error

According to the TypeScript documentation, to allow a generic class to create objects of type T, we need to refer to type T by its constructor. So in the above example create function needs to be rewritten as follows:

We will divide create function into its constituent parts. The first is an argument passed, named c . This argument is defined as of type {new(): T} . This is a way that allows us to refer to T by its constructor. Then we define a new anonymous type overloads new() function to have a constructor that returns type T. The purpose of this function is simply to return a new instance of the variable c.

After rewriting create function helps them to get rid of the precompile error. However, for this change we have to pass the class definition to create function , like so:

any and generics types

Both any and generics are ways to specify data types in TypeScript. However, these two ways have some important differences.

  • any : any is a generic type, meaning any value can be assigned to a variable or parameter of type any . This leaves us with no control over data type or data integrity, so using any can lead to some bugs during development.
  • generics : Generics are a way to specify a generic type for a class, interface, or function. Generics type allows us to specify which specific object should have a set of properties or methods and restrict the data type we want to use. This allows us to have control over the data type and data integrity, helping to avoid errors during development.

So, if we want to control the data type and reduce error in our code, we should use generics instead of any .


In this article, we will learn about Generics type in TypeScript. In the following article, we will learn about mixins pattern using generics type with inheritance. Thank you for following this post


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