
Functional and Non-functional Testing: The Basics

Testing is an essential and essential part of the software development process. If test management is done correctly, testing can help avoid errors and ensure high quality products. There are a variety of testing methods to ensure that your product works correctly and is easily used across a variety of environments and platforms. These methods are usually divided into Functional testting and Non-functional Testing.

Concept of Functional and Non-functional Testing:

Functional Testing is a type of testing that focuses on the business requirements of a software product. The main idea behind it is to make sure that each software function works as specified in the required documents. These types of checks only focus on checking the results of operations, completely ignoring intermediate states of the system during their execution. Functional Testing mainly deals with black box testing techniques where you do not consider internal code structure but mainly rely on specifications.

Non-functional Testing is a testing technique that focuses on evaluating the non-functional aspects of a system. It checks the parameters that are not tested in Function Testing, such as performance, usability, reliability, etc.Nonfunctional test scenarios are just as important as functional tests because of them. help understand how the system works. The main goal of this type of testing is to provide the best end-user experience of the software product.

What types of Functional Testing are included?

Since functional testing is a method of testing different parameters of a software product, it is performed in many different functions. Take a look at the most used stages:

Unit test

Unit testing is the first level of testing, usually done by the developers. This process ensures that the individual components of a piece of software work and react as expected. Unit testing can be done manually, but process automation speeds up the deployment cycles and expands the scope of testing.

Integration Tests Integration Tests are designed to determine if individual software components work properly when they are connected together. Integration testing ensures that every connection between different units runs smoothly. This type of testing attempts to detect various types of errors such as incompatibilities in the message or data format as well as invalid input or output parameters that could suddenly interrupt a function. .

System tests

System testing is a black box testing method to evaluate a complete and integrated software product. The objective of system testing is to verify the compliance of the system with specific requirements. This type of testing is usually done by a testing team different from the development team before the software is released to the Production environment.

User acceptance tests

Acceptance testing is sometimes referred to as application testing, which is the last stage of software functionality testing performed before a software product is released to the market. The goal of this process is to ensure that the software is ready for delivery and meets the needs of the end user. In turn, this requires the product to be tested in the “real world” – by the end user through a beta testing process.

What types of non-functional testing are included?

Non-functional testing is an effective complement to functional testing because they provide important information about the safety, serviceability and reliability of the system. This type of testing tests how a software product works and includes (but is not limited to) the following:

Reliability tests

Reliability testing checks whether the software can maintain a certain level of performance under certain conditions and for a certain period of time.

Robustness tests

This type of testing is designed to demonstrate that the system works correctly under all conditions, even during unexpected events.

Stress tests

Stress tests are intended to monitor the system’s behavior in atypical situations, such as determining the system’s load capacity.

Performance tests

Performance testing is performed to determine how software behaves in terms of responsiveness and processing speed within a workload.

Load tests

Load Test is the process of simulating the actual load resistance of any web page or application. It tests how the application works under normal and high performance operating conditions.

Usability tests

This is a technique designed to verify if the end user can easily use a software product.

Maintainability tests

Maintainability tests are performed to assess the software’s ability to respond to user requirements and when changed without any problems.

Portability tests

Mobility tests measure how easy it is to move software to another environment, such as how easily a mobile application can be migrated to different operating systems or devices.

Difference between Functional and Non-functional Testing

Both functional and non-functional testing in the software are designed to deliver products tailored to the needs of the customer. The main difference between functional testing and non-functional testing is that functional testing is run to make sure that the software meets specific requirements, while non-functional testing focuses on securing the system. The system works well.

This is best illustrated with the following example. With Functional Testing, you can verify if the login functionality is working as intended. For example, you can check whether entering a username and password allows you to log in to an account on the website. And with Non-functional Testing you verify that by entering the same data, you can be logged into your account within 2 seconds. Testing how many users can log into the system at the same time is another example of Non-functional Testing.

Second, functional testing often aims to detect and eliminate bugs in the software so that it can fulfill business requirements perfectly. In contrast, non-functional software testing types are concerned with user experience and behavior but are not related to “finding errors”.

The third difference refers to criteria based on functional testing and non-functional testing. In functional testing, both valid and invalid operations are performed to test the software behavior in both desired and undesired conditions. On the other hand, while running types of non-functional software tests, you need to consider parameters ignored when doing positive and negative (Negative Test). There is another distinction between two types of testing – functional tests performed before non-functional tests.


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