
Facebook and Instagram inform users that follow-up is to make these services “free”.

Shortly after Apple released the iOS 14.5 update, with a new privacy clause that allowed users to prevent third-party apps from tracking personal data, Facebook responded.

Facebook and Instagram added a notice in the iOS app, stating that tracking user information from other apps and websites is to make the services “free”.

“This version of iOS requires our permission to track certain data from this device in order to improve your ads,” the message said: “We use information about your activity from Apps and other websites to: Show you more personalized ads. Help keep Facebook free. Helping advertising-based businesses reach their customers ”.

If the user chooses not to allow tracking, then Facebook and Instagram can still track user data within their app, but will not be able to track user data from websites or apps. other. The data in the Facebook and Instagram apps cannot be shared with other companies either.

Facebook has criticized Apple’s new privacy policy, saying it could harm small businesses that rely on Facebook’s ad network to reach customers.

However, the latest claim to keep Facebook and Instagram “free” seems to contradict the principle of these internet services. Facebook’s longstanding motto is “a free service and always will be”. However, Facebook quietly removed that slogan from its homepage in 2019.

So does that mean that if the user does not accept Facebook and Instagram tracking data on iOS 14.5, then these services will no longer be free? Perhaps this is just a trick of Facebook to persuade users to allow tracking data from other applications and websites.

Currently, Apple has not yet commented on Facebook’s move.

Reference: theverge

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