Extension ChatGPT | How ChatGPT was integrated into Visual Studio Code

Tram Ho

1. Install Extension ChatGPT

First, go to vscode and find an extension called “ChatGPT” to install it:

Everyone, please pay attention to choose the right name and publisher (because there are many other similar extensions, but it’s not very good if I try to use it).

Next, we need to login to our ChatGPT account to proceed with use. There will be 2 authentication methods including:

  • Login directly with your gmail account through the browser
  • Login with API Secret Key


Here I will guide you how to login with API Key:

  1. You access the homepage of OpenAI Api: https://openai.com/api/ then log in to your account using ChatGPT
  2. Go to ” Personal “, select ” View Api keys

  1. At the Account API Keys screen, select “Create new secret key”, then copy the key shown

  1. Go back to VSCode, go to the Extension Setting of the ChatGPT extension just installed, scroll down to find the ” OpenAI Organization ID ” section and paste the key snippet just now. It is done. You can start coding with chatGPT right next to you

2. Outstanding Features

  • To use the extension, you highlight a piece of code, then right-click, there will be some options to choose from such as: Find bugs, Explain code, Optimize code, ..vv.vvv These are the features I especially like this extension.

As in the example above, I code crap like that, to see how this integrated Bot will handle it. First I will let it explain the code, now a small chat window will appear on the left, here we can interact with ChatGPT like the web version:

Pretty convenient, isn’t it, now let’s try to let it find bugs in the code and refactor it:

  • Found the bug:

  • Show how to refactor the code:

It’s pretty cool

3. Summary

  • This extension also has other great features, but within the framework of this article, I cannot fully introduce it, so please continue to study it.
  • The chatbot content in this integrator has been filtered by topics of technology and coding, so many questions about other marginal areas will not be answered like the web version.

  • Perhaps it is also because of such a topic limit, so its reply speed is faster and smoother than many current web versions
  • 1 Again, I emphasize that the current version of ChatGPT is still in the process of being completed, so the information it answers is not always 100% accurate, so you should use it only for reference. okay, don’t trust too much


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Source : Viblo