
Even a founder of the NFT game project was fooled by a very simple way to lose nearly 1 million USD worth of assets.

Stas Zlobinski, better known as Stazie, is the founder and CEO of the game project NFT Hedgie, an up-and-coming play to earn game. Like a nightmare, Stazie allowed scammers to take away nearly $1 million worth of NFT assets, along with an amount of ETH, in a very simple way.

Stazie tweeted on her personal page yesterday: “I was lying in bed last night, and browsing the web. The whole thing happened like a bad dream, I almost felt hypnotized.”

It happened when there was a scammer going by the name “cryptopunksbot”, a name that could be confused with the recent NFT CryptoPunk craze, where each of these NFTs can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars. USD.

Cryptopunksbot posted an article in the CryptoPunk Discord, promising to give investors 10 very valuable CryptoPunk NFTs, on the occasion of the project’s 4th birthday. Of course, the CryptoPunk project has no such giveaway.

But Stazie somehow believed it to be real and clicked on the link, which led to the website, a fake website (the project behind CryptoPunk). This fake website even has a pop-up window that looks like a Metamask wallet, a widely used browser-integrated electronic wallet.

A window pops up informing that the security of the Metamask wallet is being compromised by someone and requires a keyphrase to restore. And anyone who gets this 12-letter keyphrase can withdraw from the Metamask wallet.

I don’t understand how it is so easy for Stazie to give out his keyphrase to scammers. And boom, his 16 CryptoPunk NFTs are gone, worth almost $1 million.

The scammer’s wallet on is still holding 10 NFT CryptoPunk, 5 NFT CryptoPunk has been sold for 149 ETH (about 385,000 USD), and 1 NFT CryptoPunk is being transferred.

Stazie has been involved in the cryptocurrency market since 2017 and considers himself a person with a lot of experience, especially as he knows a lot of ways of scams in this market. But in a minute of carelessness, even an experienced founder can make a mistake.

Reference: decrypt

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