
Elon Musk reveals how to solve big problems faster with just one simple technique

Elon Musk is one of the smartest and most powerful people in the world. As the entrepreneur behind SpaceX and Twitter to solve complex problems, Musk has an approach unlike most of us.

Elon Musk runs 5 companies at once. Photo: Vanity Fair

He uses “First Principles” thinking to make complex problems easy and quick to solve.

Many famous thinkers and scientists are also inclined to think according to this first principle. But perhaps no one can apply the philosophy of first principles thinking as effectively as Elon Musk.

First principles thinking is an effective way to tackle complex problems and spark creativity. The core of this mindset is to break down problems into basic elements to solve and then reassemble them. “I think most people are bound by conventions or previous experiences. People just adopt a method because it’s been done before, or don’t take the risk because no one has done it before. In fact, these are ludicrous thoughts.

I tend to approach problems in terms of physics. Physics helps me think by first principles instead of thinking based on what’s already there. You need to look at the fundamentals and build an argument from here. Only then do you come to a conclusion and evaluate if it worked or is different from the past,” Musk analyzed in Wait But Why,

Basically first principles thinking doesn’t come from your own assumptions but can come from a limited perspective, old ideas that no longer work, or beliefs that are no longer socially applicable. again.

Here are four steps to applying the first rule to problem solving:

1. Identify your current assumptions

Albert Einstein once said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I would spend 55 minutes thinking about it and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” Let’s say you want to start a new business, but you always have a series of assumptions in mind like: I don’t have investors, I don’t have the capital to execute my startup idea, or I don’t have the ability. ability to do this…

In this case, or whatever your challenge is, the first step is to put all of those assumptions down on paper.

2. Break down your problems into fundamentals

The basic principles here are the essence of a phenomenon or the most basic element of anything. “It’s important to treat knowledge like a tree. Make sure you understand the fundamentals, i.e. trunk and large branches, before you get into details like leaves, or tops.

Once you’ve identified your fundamentals, use Socratic questioning to find the truth and separate fact from fiction. For example: Why do I think this? How do I know this is true? What conclusions can I draw from this reasoning process?…

Socratic questioning helps you understand reality and start with what’s true – not with what your emotions or intuitions dictate. In an interview, Musk asserted: “The first principle boils down to the most basic truth and helps us assert what is true.”

Similarly, Musk has used this approach to solve the battery problem for Tesla’s electric cars. Everyone thinks that batteries for electric cars are very expensive and electric cars will not go far. Now, however, Tesla’s batteries can last more than 300 miles before needing to be recharged, and the battery isn’t the most expensive ingredient in a Tesla.

3. Don’t care about criticism or objections

When you do something great, you may encounter objections, even criticism, and hate, causing you to lose personal credibility. But remember that airplanes can take off by going against the wind. Before figuring out how the light bulb worked, Thomas Edison built 10,000 models of broken light bulbs. It is the people who criticize, oppose, or see you as a failure today that will likely become your biggest fans in the future.

4. Create your own solution

Breaking down problems into basic truths will help you see the possibilities and create your own solutions. First principles thinking is the way to get rid of the mob mentality. So don’t get stuck in the results of other people’s thoughts. Keep an eye out for new changes that can open up opportunities for creative ideas.

Remember that Uber became the largest taxi company in the world without owning any vehicles. They break existing rules and norms to lead their industry. Once you have established a new belief, it will propel you forward.

Source: Inc
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